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American Forces Radio and TV Service

Category: Procurement • Line Item: 2666 • FY24 Budget Request: $2.8M


Budget Account
1810N - Other Procurement, Navy
Budget Activity
2 - Communications and electronics equipment
Next Year
The American Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS) under the Navy's Other Procurement budget activity, aims to provide command information to deployed Sailors and Marines and distribute AFRTS programming for situational awareness. The program contributes significantly to the habitability of Navy ships by providing news, command information, training, and entertainment programming using the latest technology available. It also supports Navy Quality of Life (QOL) initiatives and improves morale, combat effectiveness, and retention rates of deployed personnel. The systems are procured through Fleet Support Detachments (FSDs) and are based on ship availability and system condition.

The specific objectives of Program 2666 include the procurement of shipboard systems to support the distribution of AFRTS programming for situational awareness and to improve the habitability of Navy ships. This includes the replacement of outdated systems with next-generation technologies such as SITE Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) - Digital/300, Digital/400, Digital/501, and Shipboard Broadcast System (SBS). The program also supports production engineering activities for technical documentation review and approval, as well as non-FMP installation of SITE and TV-Direct to Sailor (TV-DTS) systems onboard Navy ships. These efforts are essential for maintaining operational readiness and supporting the well-being of deployed personnel.
Budget Trend

American Forces Radio and TV Service Procurement Programs (2666) budget history and request

Interactive stacked bar chart for exploring the American Forces Radio and TV Service budget
Interactive line chart for exploring the American Forces Radio and TV Service budget
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028
Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Enacted Requested Forecasted Forecasted Forecasted Forecasted
$6,483,000 $4,524,000 $4,240,000 $4,577,000 $2,730,000 $2,626,000 $2,617,000 $2,592,000 $2,513,000 $2,724,000 $2,750,000 $2,802,000 $2,891,000 $2,948,000 $3,017,000

FY2024 Defense Budget Detail

FY2024 Budget Released: 03/09/23