The Town of Sharpsburg has been awarded Grant #20-C-3642 Community Development Block Grant-Neighborhood Revitalization Funds in the amount of $750,000.00 from the NC Department of Commerce, Rural Economic Development Division. 100% of the housing activities will be funded by the grant. The Town of Sharpsburg intends to secure the services of an experienced and qualified housing services firm (separate sealed bids 3 copies) to provide technical housing services required under this program to implement the reconstruction, demolition, clearance, temporary relocation and rehabilitation housing activities for the Project. The scope of services includes the following CDBG-NR housing activities: Reconstruction of 4 units; Demolition and asbestos removal of 4 units; temporary relocation of 4 units. A written invitation and description of the request requirements, including scope of services, proposal contents, and criteria of evaluation can be obtained at Sharpsburg Town Hall at 3938 S. Hathaway Street (by mail: P.O. Box 1759), or call Tracy Sullivan, Town Clerk at (252) 446-9441 Ext. 3 or email at Written proposals of qualifications must be received by 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, October 22, 2024, at the Town Hall at the following address: Town of Sharpsburg, C/O Town Clerk, PO Box 1759 or 3938 S. Hathaway Street, Sharpsburg, NC 27878. RFQ questions should be addressed to Joe Dooley, Grant Consultant, at 252-258-2497 or This RFQ has been prepared on behalf of the Town of Sharpsburg and at the request of the Town of Sharpsburg. All awards pursuant to this procurement are contingent upon the Town of Sharpsburg's receipt and written approval of all required CDBG-NR Grant Agreement Documents. No funds will be obligated until appropriate documents are executed and the required conditions are satisfied. The selected housing service provider must comply with all requirements of the North Carolina Community Development Block Grant (CDBG-NR) Neighborhood Revitalization Program regulations, Federal and State Statutes, Local Law, and all amendments and supplements thereto as well as the CDBG-Neighborhood Revitalization Program requirements. Procurement and contract procedures outlined in 24 CFR, Part 85 (as amended and supplemented) must be followed as well as State and Federal Labor Standards. Sharpsburg is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Service Provider and encourages participation by small, minority and/or female owned firms. This information is available in Spanish or any other language upon request. Please contact Tracy Sullivan, Town Clerk, at 252-446-9441 Ext. 3 or at the Sharpsburg Town Hall, 3938 S. Hathaway Street, Sharpsburg, NC 27878 for accommodation for this request. Esta informaci n est disponible en espa ol o en cualquier otro idioma bajo petici n. Por favor, p ngase en contacto con Tracy Sullivan, Town Clerk, al 252-446-9441 Ext. 3 o en o en 3938 S. Hathaway Street, Sharpsburg, NC 27878 de alojamient para esta solicitud.
The Town of Sharpsburg has been awarded Grant #20-C-3642 Community Development Block Grant-Neighborhood Revitalization Funds amounting to $750,000.00 from the NC Department of Commerce, Rural Economic Development Division. The goal of this contract is to secure the services of an experienced and qualified housing services firm to implement various housing activities under this program, including rehabilitation, reconstruction, demolition, clearance, and temporary relocation.
Work Details
The scope of services includes:
- Reconstruction of 4 housing units.
- Demolition and asbestos removal for 4 housing units.
- Temporary relocation assistance for 4 households.
Additional technical housing services required include:
- Processing client case files with income verification and eligibility assessment for housing assistance.
- Preparation of specifications for reconstruction and demolition activities.
- Conducting bid processes including preparation of bid packages, bid openings, evaluation of bids, and recommendation for award.
- Preparation of contract documents and construction startup documents.
- Conducting pre-construction conferences to review project requirements.
- Inspecting work progress at least twice weekly and processing change orders.
- Authorizing partial pay requests and conducting final inspections to authorize final payments.
- Assessing client needs for relocation assistance and providing support in locating comparable housing options.
Period of Performance
All funds must be obligated by November 4, 2025; expended by February 4, 2026; and project closed out by April 4, 2026.
Place of Performance
The contract will be performed in Sharpsburg, North Carolina.