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Create a Risk Assessment Tool to assess the potential entanglement risk for North Atlantic right whales

ID: 0920241064 • State: Maine


Create a Risk Assessment Tool to assess the potential entanglement risk for North Atlantic right whales
The contract is issued by an agency focused on marine conservation, specifically targeting the protection of North Atlantic right whales. The mission of the agency is to assess and mitigate risks to this endangered species, ensuring their survival and promoting biodiversity in marine ecosystems.

The goal of this contract is to develop a Risk Assessment Tool that will evaluate potential entanglement risks for North Atlantic right whales, thereby aiding in conservation efforts.

Work Details
The contractor will be responsible for creating a comprehensive Risk Assessment Tool designed to assess the potential entanglement risk for North Atlantic right whales. This includes:
- Conducting research on existing data related to whale entanglements.
- Developing algorithms or models that can predict entanglement risks based on various environmental and human factors.
- Collaborating with marine biologists and conservationists to ensure the tool meets scientific standards.
- Providing training and documentation for end-users of the tool.
- Delivering a final report summarizing findings and recommendations for future assessments.

Period of Performance
The contract is expected to be performed over a period starting from September 18, 2024, with specific timelines for deliverables outlined in the contract.

Place of Performance
The work will primarily be conducted remotely but may require collaboration with field researchers and stakeholders located in regions where North Atlantic right whales are known to inhabit.


Opportunity ID
Response Deadline
Sept. 24, 2024 Due in 3 Days
Date Posted
Sept. 18, 2024
Est. Value Range
$500,000 - $1,500,000 (AI estimate)
Source Notes
Source does not have a linkable page for this opportunity. To find the opportunity, go to the Source website listed above and search for the Opportunity ID.


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