Grants Management System (G5)
Investment ID: 018-999991341
Program Title
Grants Management System (G5)
The U.S. Department of Education grants management system, known as G5, supports ED's full lifecycle grants management business process. The system services end-to-end grants management activities (from intake of applications, peer reviews, awards, payments, performance monitoring to final closeout of the grant award) Department-wide. G5 also processes payments for Federal Student Aid (FSA) programs, such as Pell and campus-based grants. In addition to processing payments for these feeder systems, G5 is seamlessly integrated with the Financial Management Support System (FMSS), the Department's General Ledger.
Type of Program
Major IT Investments
Multi-Agency Category
Grants Management
Associated Websites,,,
Shared Services
Investment Detail
With implementation of electronic signature the Department continues to save money that was used for paper, printing, postage, ink and labor hours in sending the paper-based Grant Award Notifications (GANs). In FY 20, $390K was saved by generating 40K+ electronic GANS.