Investment ID: 024-000007128
Program Title
FEMA - PIVOT; FEMA - National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) IT Pivot Investment was initiated as a transformation investment to replace the NFIP legacy Systems, products, and services. System provides automated capability to process millions of transactions-
-Flood Insurance Policies and other data in near real- time, standard processes, and provide enhanced reporting and data analytics. Reduce impact of flooding by providing affordable insurance, encouraging communities to adopt and enforce floodplain management regulations. The Pivot Program has been created to support the development and implementation of a solution that fully meets FEMA s legal, business, financial, and management requirements.
Type of Program
Major IT Investments
Multi-Agency Category
Not Applicable
Investment Detail
The Pivot Program continues to progress through the O&M phase of it's lifecycle. As a part of the AoA, an ROI was calculated over a 10year period based on forecasted costs. For the selected alternative, the expected 10-year ROI was 204%. The Hybrid Approach was chosen in the AoA and is expected to deliver the largest benefits because it has the highest overall score by a large margin, demonstrating low cost while simultaneously meeting most of the NFIP's business needs and minimizing risks. Because the COTS solutions within the Hybrid Approach are best of breed solutions, they also tend to have larger federal implementations and are compliant with most applicable federal security standards. Most importantly, Hybrid Approach has a high level of strategic alignment with both the benefits and desired outcomes by this program. The recent Pivot's LCCE conducted with CAD, approved by CFO remains below the cost parameters established in the Pivot Acquisition Program Baseline (APB). The adjusted Pivot LCCE total is approximately $57.8M BY17 (9.5%) below the established cost Objective. See attached LCCE.