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FDA ORA Administration

Investment ID: 009-000354596


Program Title
FDA ORA Administration
The FDA ORA Administration investment enables a collection of projects and systems used in managing ORA-wide operations for: employee learning, help desk services, intranet/internet-based content management, performance quality, SharePoint services, and travel management.
Type of Program
Non-major IT Investments
Multi-Agency Category
Not Applicable

Investment Detail

QMiS supports program quality across ORA. This includes the review, continuous improvement, and auditing of work product from the regulatory work flows of ORA. Enhance QMiS to better support Quality Management within ORA. Provide tools that help ensure the reliability of data by supporting standardization of processes and terminology across ORA; maintaining the controlled version of standard operating procedures; providing standard forms for data entry; and maintaining records of laboratory accreditation, staff certification & training, QAQC records and audits etc.

Over the span of 5 years, there will be an estimated $33.079M of total cost avoidance.

AppsDesk User support calls minimizes delays while Program staff and development teams would have to devote to handle the help requests for Tier 1 and 2. OTED's updated LMS will support blended (combined on-line and in-person) learning, including virtual webinars and synchronous and asynchronous learning. Other requirements include just-in-time learning, up to date security and privilege protocols, continuous curriculums, ability for students to upload documents, Section 508 compliance, and a robust reporting system.

IT Program Budget


Technology projects under the FDA ORA Administration program

Supporting IDVs

Example IDV awards for FDA ORA Administration

Supporting Contracts

Example prime contract awards for FDA ORA Administration