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FDA OC Information Governance

Investment ID: 009-000333926


Program Title
FDA OC Information Governance
This investment is focused on projects and initiatives that advance FDA Information Governance. Unified Information Governance requires collaboration across a diverse cross-section of disciplines including FDA Records Management, Paperwork Reduction Act, eDiscovery, History, Dockets, Privacy, Freedom of Information, but may include other agency initiatives as may emerge with IG requirements and or needs. Investment activities and initiatives focus on efforts with mandates that contribute to traditional internal IG focuses, such as privacy, records management, and legal compliance, as well as externally focused concerns around transparency, public access, and the historical record. These disciplines work together under the IG banner to minimize risk, maximize value, and empower greater organizational efficiency and efficacy around enterprise information regardless of format or location.
Type of Program
Major IT Investments
Multi-Agency Category
Not Applicable

Investment Detail

The mission of the eDiscovery program is to create a comprehensive technological capability and governance framework for eDiscovery activities, that enables FDA to address the full spectrum of the eDiscovery Reference Model (EDRM) in a consistent, repeatable, and defensible manner in accordance with legal and industry standards. And the Records Management program provides guidance and tools to entire agency for managing official records created by FDA personnel (i.e. contractors and visiting fellows) in accordance to FDA and Federal Records Management policies. Quantitative ROI includes improved customer satisfaction and increased efficiency on request processing. Qualitative ROI includes better compliance with federal mandates and improved practices for eDiscovery and Records Management.

IT Program Budget


Technology projects under the FDA OC Information Governance program

Supporting IDVs

Example IDV awards for FDA OC Information Governance

Supporting Contracts

Example prime contract awards for FDA OC Information Governance