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DOI - Financial and Business Management System (FBMS)

Investment ID: 010-000000316


Program Title
DOI - Financial and Business Management System (FBMS)
The Financial and Business Management System (FBMS) is a business solution that replaced many standalone systems with a modernized, fully integrated, enterprise-wide solution. FBMS, managed by the Business Integration Office (BIO), supports all DOI bureaus for core accounting, budget execution, acquisition, financial assistance, real and personal property, fleet, travel integration, enterprise information management, and reporting. The concept of an enterprise business solution took root at Interior in the late 1990s to address the challenges of aging and unsupported system architecture. The decision to implement a modernized, integrated solution was championed by leaders in the business community, and by the early 2000s efforts to bring the concept to life were well on their way. To manage risk and spread costs, the Department used an incremental approach to deploy FBMS with respect to both functionality and user base over several years beginning in 2006 and concluding in 2013.
Type of Program
Major IT Investments
Multi-Agency Category
Financial Management
Associated Websites,,

Investment Detail

The standardization and integration delivered by FBMS facilitates a common approach to financial and business management. As a result, the Department is positioned to deliver programs and services in a more efficient and effective manner, with greatly improved internal controls. Benefits gained from implementing FBMS include:

- Enhanced access to, and sharing of, real-time business information that supports effective business decisions for mission delivery at all levels in the organization in the Department, the bureaus and in the field.
- More timely financial reports that facilitate analysis of financial, acquisition, financial assistance, and property data. For example, the Department used FBMS to automate reporting on Hurricane Sandy response and recovery. In the legacy environment, manual data calls and consolidation would have been necessary.
- Retirement of outdated and legacy systems that do not comply with current mandates and are no longer supported by their software vendors. FBMS enabled the decommissioning of 83 legacy systems, resulting in nearly 300 million dollars in cost avoidance.
- Increased data integrity and transparency, and increased process and data standardization among the bureaus.
- An improved internal control environment with separation of duties as well as refined and standardized business practices to support the internal controls, especially through the creation of automated controls.
- Support for the consolidated audit with centrally produced information that can be used by the Department, the OIG, and the independent auditor. This represents a significantly simpler financial audit that had been possible prior to FBMS. Throughout the sequence of FBMS deployments, Interior has maintained its unqualified audit opinions.
- Shared expertise as the Department and the bureaus are able to consistently train personnel who can be leveraged across bureaus.

The implementation of FBMS has enabled DOI to realize the benefits of a fully integrated, secure, modernized, system, and also strengthen communication and collaboration across the business management community. FBMS has proven effective as a means to integrate the siloed business management policy communities. This integration has enabled the Department to use FBMS as a platform to efficiently meet statutory and OMB-mandated requirements in the areas of financial, award, property and grant reporting, electronic invoicing, IT Security, improved internal controls, and others.

IT Program Budget


Technology projects under the DOI - Financial and Business Management System (FBMS) program

Supporting IDVs

Example IDV awards for DOI - Financial and Business Management System (FBMS)

Supporting Contracts

Example prime contract awards for DOI - Financial and Business Management System (FBMS)