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CMS Provider Enrollment (PECOS 2.0)

Investment ID: 009-000406263


Program Title
CMS Provider Enrollment (PECOS 2.0)
PECOS is the System of Record for all Medicare Provider/Supplier enrollment data, storing all data furnished by providers/suppliers, tracking all enrollment processing/results of MAC evaluation, & providing nightly feeds to FFS claims payment systems.
Type of Program
Major IT Investments
Multi-Agency Category
Not Applicable
Associated Websites,

Investment Detail

PECOS2.0 reduces cost though modernization and optimization, including: lower operational cost of maintenance through modern architecture and easier maintainability; reduces cost of software through use of open source software; reduces the number of IT investments through ability to scale the system to take on other programs that would otherwise require significant systems; reduced processing cost associated with processing application by increasing automation and reducing volume; and reduction in operational cost for Medicaid and other CMS programs through greater access to data and leveraging of existing provider screening by Medicare . For the Provider community PECOS 2.0 reduces operating cost by reducing the work required to submit, track, and maintain enrollment information with CMS; and eventually as other programs being to leverage PECOS 2.0, the amount of work required to maintain information with other CMS programs and payers.

IT Program Budget


Technology projects under the CMS Provider Enrollment (PECOS 2.0) program

Supporting IDVs

Example IDV awards for CMS Provider Enrollment (PECOS 2.0)

Supporting Contracts

Example prime contract awards for CMS Provider Enrollment (PECOS 2.0)