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Chemical Information System - New Chemical Review (CIS-NCR)

Investment ID: 020-000000041


Program Title
Chemical Information System - New Chemical Review (CIS-NCR)
Data system to receive, store, process and report out information reported by industry as required under the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA).
Type of Program
Major IT Investments
Multi-Agency Category
Not Applicable

Investment Detail

CIS has reduced the burden on industry to submit data as required under the Toxic Substance Control Act. Electronic reporting applications allow multiple users to access and build submissions from any location where internet access is available. Submissions can be created, stored, submitted and amended through EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX).

Electronic submissions have reduced the time it takes to process incoming submissions, increased accessibility to data and documents by staff, and increased data integrity by reducing the errors associated with manual data entry.

IT Program Budget


Technology projects under the Chemical Information System - New Chemical Review (CIS-NCR) program

Supporting IDVs

Example IDV awards for Chemical Information System - New Chemical Review (CIS-NCR)

Supporting Contracts

Example prime contract awards for Chemical Information System - New Chemical Review (CIS-NCR)