Cooperative Agreement
Grant Description
The goal of three "NIETTI" elections is to identify, reinforce, and create opportunities to strengthen the accountability, transparency, and integrity of Senegal's electoral process.
This program description reflects USAID's commitment to local ownership and self-reliance by incorporating direct input from the National Political Dialogue, the Direction Générale des Elections within the Ministry of Interior, civil society, and other donors. It builds on past USAID electoral assistance for the 2019 presidential elections, the 2019 DRG assessment, and USAID's recent audit of the voter registry.
This activity will support the mission's Development Objective (DO) 3 in the current Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS): increased GOS effectiveness and accountability. Under DO 3, USAID aims to support the Government of Senegal (GOS) so it is more effective and accountable, and strengthen civil society so that the Senegalese people can more effectively articulate their needs and advocate for themselves.
The development hypothesis is that if the GOS improves the political, economic, and judicial governance environment, if civil society and media influence increases, and if local governance and community engagement is more inclusive, then the country's political and social stability will be strengthened. This will result in the more efficient management of public resources toward improved service delivery and a citizen-centric approach to governance.
This program description reflects USAID's commitment to local ownership and self-reliance by incorporating direct input from the National Political Dialogue, the Direction Générale des Elections within the Ministry of Interior, civil society, and other donors. It builds on past USAID electoral assistance for the 2019 presidential elections, the 2019 DRG assessment, and USAID's recent audit of the voter registry.
This activity will support the mission's Development Objective (DO) 3 in the current Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS): increased GOS effectiveness and accountability. Under DO 3, USAID aims to support the Government of Senegal (GOS) so it is more effective and accountable, and strengthen civil society so that the Senegalese people can more effectively articulate their needs and advocate for themselves.
The development hypothesis is that if the GOS improves the political, economic, and judicial governance environment, if civil society and media influence increases, and if local governance and community engagement is more inclusive, then the country's political and social stability will be strengthened. This will result in the more efficient management of public resources toward improved service delivery and a citizen-centric approach to governance.
Funding Goals
Grant Program (CFDA)
Awarding / Funding Agency
Place of Performance
Geographic Scope
Related Opportunity
Analysis Notes
Amendment Since initial award the End Date has been extended from 11/22/24 to 03/31/25 and the total obligations have increased 262% from $3,000,000 to $10,851,354.
Consortium For Elections & Political Process Strengthening was awarded
Strengthening Senegal's Electoral Process Accountability Transparency
Cooperative Agreement 72068522LA00001
worth $10,851,354
from U.S. Mission to Senegal in November 2021 with work to be completed primarily in Senegal.
The grant
has a duration of 3 years 4 months and
was awarded through assistance program 98.001 USAID Foreign Assistance for Programs Overseas.
Last Modified 11/6/24
Period of Performance
Start Date
End Date
Funding Split
Federal Obligation
Non-Federal Obligation
Total Obligated
Activity Timeline
Subgrant Awards
Disclosed subgrants for 72068522LA00001
Transaction History
Modifications to 72068522LA00001
Additional Detail
SAI Number
Award ID URI
Awardee Classifications
Awarding Office
Funding Office
Awardee UEI
Awardee CAGE
Performance District
Not Applicable
Budget Funding
Federal Account | Budget Subfunction | Object Class | Total | Percentage |
Development Assistance, Agency for International Development, Funds Appropriated to the President (072-1021) | International development and humanitarian assistance | Grants, subsidies, and contributions (41.0) | $6,069,453 | 91% |
Democracy Fund, State (019-1121) | International development and humanitarian assistance | Grants, subsidies, and contributions (41.0) | $600,000 | 9% |
Modified: 11/6/24