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Cooperative Agreement


Grant Description
State and tribal elder justice coalitions have proven to be effective vehicles for raising awareness about the needs of older adults impacted by all forms of mistreatment and for promoting advocacy for a robust and coordinated community response to their justice needs. Yet, elder justice coalitions exist in less than half the states and in few tribal communities.

Lifespan of Greater Rochester (Lifespan) will serve as the lead agency of a consortium of elder justice organizations and specialists with many years of experience and depth of expertise in the field to establish a National Elder Justice Coalition Center (NEJCC). Consortium partners include the Minnesota Elder Justice Coalition, Ohio Coalition for Adult Protective Services, the National Network of State Elder Justice Coalitions, and Jacque Gray, PhD, specialist in Native American elder justice affairs.

The National Elder Justice Coalition Center will support the development of new state and tribal coalitions, will offer ongoing training and technical assistance to new and existing coalitions, and will serve as a clearinghouse for resources and information concerning elder justice issues, programs, and advocacy. In the first year of operation, the center will issue a competitive request for proposals for two-year funding for seven grants for the development of new statewide or tribal coalitions or for the enhancement of existing state and tribal coalitions. The center will create a comprehensive website including information about elder justice as well as a library of resources. Center partners will assist new and existing coalitions in organizing statewide or regional training opportunities and will offer opportunities to regularly meet as a group to discuss challenges, best practices, and to engage in mutual problem-solving. The center will develop a guide to assist the development of future coalitions and provide direction in the areas of recruitment, sponsorship, operations, and sustainability.

The National Elder Justice Coalition Center will also collaborate with federal agencies and initiatives to coordinate efforts and activities in the area of elder justice. Drawing on the experience and expertise of multiple leading organizations and experts in the elder justice field, the center will aim to advance the goal of a safe and healthy life free of mistreatment and exploitation for all older Americans.
Place of Performance
Rochester, New York 14618-5621 United States
Geographic Scope
Single Zip Code
Lifespan Of Greater Rochester was awarded Establishing NEJCC: Advancing Elder Justice Nationwide Cooperative Agreement 15POVC22GK01494NONF worth $3,750,000 from the Office for Victims of Crime in October 2022 with work to be completed primarily in Rochester New York United States. The grant has a duration of 3 years and was awarded through assistance program 16.582 Crime Victim Assistance/Discretionary Grants. The Cooperative Agreement was awarded through grant opportunity OVC FY 2022 Transforming America's Response to Older Victims: Developing and Supporting Statewide Elder Justice Coalitions and Training and Technical Assistance Program.


Last Modified 11/17/22

Period of Performance
Start Date
End Date
65.0% Complete

Funding Split
Federal Obligation
Non-Federal Obligation
Total Obligated
100.0% Federal Funding
0.0% Non-Federal Funding

Activity Timeline

Interactive chart of timeline of amendments to 15POVC22GK01494NONF

Additional Detail

SAI Number
Award ID URI
Awardee Classifications
Nonprofit With 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other Than An Institution Of Higher Education)
Awarding Office
Funding Office
Awardee UEI
Awardee CAGE
Performance District
Kirsten Gillibrand
Charles Schumer
Joseph Morelle

Budget Funding

Federal Account Budget Subfunction Object Class Total Percentage
Crime Victims Fund, Justice (015-5041) Criminal justice assistance Grants, subsidies, and contributions (41.0) $3,750,000 100%
Modified: 11/17/22