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Project Grant


Grant Description
The agreement provides funding to the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) in order to partner with Klamath County Public Health (KCPH) to deliver a comprehensive program that permanently reduces emissions from the major sectors contributing to PM2.5 emissions in the Klamath Falls nonattainment area: residential wood combustion and on-road sources.

Specifically, the recipient will build and improve upon woodstove changeout programs in the area by converting wood-burning residential heating devices to non-wood burning devices, with a focus on improving services to underserved populations who rely on wood for heat. This effort also includes ongoing education and outreach efforts that will be coupled with weatherization and utility assistance to maximize heating efficiency and reduce costs for residents. Dedicated strategic program coordination and management between DEQ and KCPH will ensure continued benefits from woodstove changeouts and continuity of enhanced clean air ordinance enforcement and public outreach programs. Funding from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Targeted Airshed Grant Program will allow DEQ and KCPH to change out 300 woodstoves and weatherize 100 houses.

The activities include replacing 210-323 uncertified and non-Step 2-certified wood stoves with non-wood heating devices; installing upgraded weatherization for 100 homes; distributing $323,630 in utility assistance granted to low-income changeout applicants; hiring a Klamath Air Program Coordinator; and providing education and outreach to underserved households.

Klamath County Public Health will be administrating the grant in the nonattainment area, which will be working with the Klamath and Lake Community Action for Utility Assistance. Klamath County Public Health will also be working with the South Central Oregon Economic Development District to implement the woodstove changeouts and home weatherizations.

The anticipated deliverables include replacement of 210 to 323 woodstoves, upgraded weatherization for approximately 100 homes, utility assistance to low-income changeout applicants, the hiring of a Klamath Air Program Coordinator, and education/outreach to underserved households in the Klamath area.

The expected outcomes include reductions in 9-15 tons of PM2.5 and 1-2 tons of HAPs along with a potential lifetime reduction of 300-400 tons of PM2.5 and 44-66 tons of HAPs. An increase in participation from low-income residents from the utility assistance. The Klamath Air Program Coordinator will help to manage deliverables and reporting along with better coordination between agencies. Education/outreach will help to increase public participation.

The intended beneficiaries include local stakeholders of the Klamath County area, while trying to improve participation among the Spanish speaking residents of the area to broaden outreach.
Awarding / Funding Agency
Place of Performance
Klamath Falls, Oregon United States
Geographic Scope
Oregon Department Of Environmental Quality was awarded Woodstove Changeouts & Air Quality Improvement in Klamath Falls Project Grant 02J48801 worth $4,669,372 from EPA Region 10: Seattle in October 2023 with work to be completed primarily in Klamath Falls Oregon United States. The grant has a duration of 5 years and was awarded through assistance program 66.956 Targeted Airshed Grant Program. The Project Grant was awarded through grant opportunity 2022 Targeted Airshed Grant Program.


Last Modified 10/17/23

Period of Performance
Start Date
End Date
19.0% Complete

Funding Split
Federal Obligation
Non-Federal Obligation
Total Obligated
100.0% Federal Funding
0.0% Non-Federal Funding

Activity Timeline

Interactive chart of timeline of amendments to 02J48801

Additional Detail

SAI Number
Award ID URI
Awardee Classifications
State Government
Awarding Office
Funding Office
Awardee UEI
Awardee CAGE
Performance District
Jeff Merkley
Ron Wyden

Budget Funding

Federal Account Budget Subfunction Object Class Total Percentage
State and Tribal Assistance Grants, Environmental Protection Agency (068-0103) Pollution control and abatement Grants, subsidies, and contributions (41.0) $4,669,372 100%
Modified: 10/17/23