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Project Grant


Grant Description
Description: The purpose of this agreement is to provide assistance to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to implement its project to support the Long Island Sound Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan to protect and restore Long Island Sound by: 1) developing the Long Island Sound Futures Fund Request for Proposals and associated materials; 2) disseminating the Long Island Sound Futures Fund Request for Proposals through multiple venues and in multiple formats; 3) providing multiple forms of technical assistance to applicants and subrecipients including one-to-one outreach, webinars, shared learning and networking opportunities, geographically focused technical assistance, and guidance materials; 4) developing and managing grant evaluation; 5) delivering a subrecipient and partner technical networking and announcement event; 6) delivering and supporting multiple forms of education about Long Island Sound Futures Fund investments and impact; 7) engaging federal and nonfederal partnerships; 8) supporting development of an enhanced community-facing, community of practice networks within the Long Island Sound study area boundary; 9) administering subrecipient grant agreements and the recipient cooperative from inception to closure; and 10) managing and updating a spatial decision tool and strategy about priorities for conservation investment for the Long Island Sound Futures Fund in the Long Island Sound watershed and related geography in a multi-year investment plan.

Activities: Specifically, under this cooperative agreement the recipient will: 1) develop the Long Island Sound Futures Fund Request for Proposals and associated materials. Develop the Request for Proposals and associated materials (narrative application, evaluation criteria, tips for preparing an application, and educational materials and tools including pollution calculators, budgets, Long Island Sound study educational resources, quality assurance project plan materials and portal, etc.). 2) Disseminate the Request for Proposals. Disseminate an announcement to inform potential applicants about Long Island Sound Futures Fund funding availability. Dissemination will include: 1) National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the Long Island Sound study posting the announcement on their respective web pages; 2) via an electronic listserv based in the Mailchimp platform maintained by National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. 3) Conducting individual outreach within the Long Island Sound Futures Fund geography to inform potential applicants or communities of practice about Long Island Sound Futures Fund (for example, state-based 319 programs, nonpoint source pollution groups); 4) via social media; 5) via the technical field liaison team with a particular focus in non-coastal Connecticut and the upper basin states of the Long Island Sound watershed (Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont); and via the Sea Grant extension professionals. 3) Provide technical assistance to applicants and subrecipients. Applicants: Technical assistance is coordinated and delivered by National Fish and Wildlife Foundation as follows through the upper basin field liaison team, Long Island Sound study partners and New York and Connecticut Sea Grant extension professionals and Long Island Sound study staff from the New England Interstate Watershed Pollution Control Commission. Technical assistance activities will involve one-to-one written and other forms of feedback about the general fit of project ideas to the conservation priorities of the Long Island Sound Futures Fund and comprehensive conservation management plan update and implementation actions, educational resources focused on LIS, a tips guidance document about preparing a Long Island Sound Futures Fund application and using the online application system and multiple on-the-ground workshops and webinars. Subrecipients: The technical assistance program is comprised of National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Long Island Sound study partners and quality assurance project plan materials and portal, etc.
Grant Program (CFDA)
Awarding / Funding Agency
Place of Performance
New Haven, Connecticut United States
Geographic Scope
Related Opportunity
National Fish And Wildlife Foundation was awarded Long Island Sound Conservation Assistance Grant (NFWF) Project Grant 00A01069 worth $10,650,000 from EPA Region 1: Boston in October 2022 with work to be completed primarily in Connecticut United States. The grant has a duration of 5 years and was awarded through assistance program 66.437 Long Island Sound Program. $3,550,000 (25.0%) of this Project Grant was funded by non-federal sources.


Last Modified 10/17/23

Period of Performance
Start Date
End Date
39.0% Complete

Funding Split
Federal Obligation
Non-Federal Obligation
Total Obligated
75.0% Federal Funding
25.0% Non-Federal Funding

Activity Timeline

Interactive chart of timeline of amendments to 00A01069

Subgrant Awards

Disclosed subgrants for 00A01069

Transaction History

Modifications to 00A01069

Additional Detail

SAI Number
Award ID URI
Awardee Classifications
Nonprofit With 501(c)(3) IRS Status (Other Than An Institution Of Higher Education)
Awarding Office
Funding Office
Awardee UEI
Awardee CAGE
Performance District
Richard Blumenthal
Christopher Murphy

Budget Funding

Federal Account Budget Subfunction Object Class Total Percentage
Environmental Programs and Management, Environmental Protection Agency (068-0108) Pollution control and abatement Grants, subsidies, and contributions (41.0) $10,650,000 100%
Modified: 10/17/23