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Project Grant


Grant Description
Funding this award will help to implement the Lake Champlain Management Plan in the Vermont portion of the Lake Champlain Basin as identified in Clean Water Act Section 120. These projects will help improve and/or evaluate the water quality and ecological health of the Lake Champlain Basin. The projects include conducting Lake Champlain's long-term water quality and cyanotoxin monitoring program, coordinating with the Lake Champlain Basin Program, acquiring priority wetlands for restoration and conservation, and water chestnut mapping and removal. The Lake Champlain Total Maximum Daily Load will also address phosphorus loading through BMP implementation, continued support of priority wetland restoration and conservation, enhanced agricultural practice implementation, and the planning, design, and construction of green stormwater infrastructure at public schools and Vermont state colleges in the Lake Champlain Basin.

Activities to be performed with this award include continuation of Vermont's participation in the Lake Champlain's long-term water quality and cyanotoxin monitoring program, Lake Champlain Basin Program coordination, priority wetland acquisition, and water chestnut mapping and removal. Subrecipient deliverables, which will also benefit all residents of the Lake Champlain Basin, include addressing phosphorus loading through BMP implementation, continued support of priority wetland restoration and conservation, enhanced agricultural practice implementation, and the planning, design, and construction of green stormwater infrastructure at public schools and Vermont state colleges in the Lake Champlain Basin.

Activities to be implemented through subawards include implementation of Green Schools Initiative stormwater best management practices; acquisition and restoration of 4-6 wetland sites with relevant phosphorus load reductions calculated; design and implementation of aquatic organism passage projects for stream connectivity; and implementation of agricultural riparian buffers using innovative methods.

Anticipated deliverables include data collected to analyze long-term water quality trends for Lake Champlain; reduction in water chestnut presence to stop the spread of aquatic invasive species; assessment of private, non-municipal roads with associated maps to prioritize best management practice (BMP) implementation that will reduce phosphorus loading; flood resilience and floodplain restoration requests for proposals to support municipal resilience planning of 2-5 community mitigation plans to increase local capacity and improve climate resilience; 300-500 stream crossing structure and dam assessments, 1-3 aquatic organism passage projects designed, 1-2 of them implemented to improve aquatic habitats and aquatic organism passage; semi-annual and final reports detailing the Lake Wise evaluator and natural shoreline training programs, including 10 site assessments, that will improve water quality in Lake Champlain; acquisition of 4-6 wetland sites for restoration that will reduce phosphorus loading to the watershed and improve natural function; and construction of stormwater practices at Vermont public schools and colleges to reduce phosphorus loading from developed lands and increase visibility and community knowledge of stormwater practices and standards. Intended beneficiaries include all residents and visitors to the Lake Champlain Basin.
Awarding / Funding Agency
Place of Performance
Vermont United States
Geographic Scope
Related Opportunity
Analysis Notes
Amendment Since initial award the End Date has been extended from 09/30/26 to 12/31/27.
Vermont Department Of Environmental Conservation was awarded Lake Champlain Management Plan Implementation in Vermont (Clean Water Act) Project Grant 00A01068 worth $9,631,108 from EPA Region 1: Boston in October 2022 with work to be completed primarily in Vermont United States. The grant has a duration of 5 years 2 months and was awarded through assistance program 66.481 Lake Champlain Basin Program. $3,210,369 (25.0%) of this Project Grant was funded by non-federal sources.


Last Modified 6/26/24

Period of Performance
Start Date
End Date
37.0% Complete

Funding Split
Federal Obligation
Non-Federal Obligation
Total Obligated
75.0% Federal Funding
25.0% Non-Federal Funding

Activity Timeline

Interactive chart of timeline of amendments to 00A01068

Subgrant Awards

Disclosed subgrants for 00A01068

Transaction History

Modifications to 00A01068

Additional Detail

SAI Number
Award ID URI
Awardee Classifications
State Government
Awarding Office
Funding Office
Awardee UEI
Awardee CAGE
Performance District
Bernard Sanders
Peter Welch

Budget Funding

Federal Account Budget Subfunction Object Class Total Percentage
Environmental Programs and Management, Environmental Protection Agency (068-0108) Pollution control and abatement Grants, subsidies, and contributions (41.0) $9,631,108 100%
Modified: 6/26/24