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Responsive Local Governance (RLG) Activity

ID: 72038824RFA00006 • Type: Posted


The purpose of the new RLG activity is to support LEGI in improving its planning and responsiveness to the concerns and public and private service delivery needs of their communities, making sure no group is excluded. With the new LG activity, USAID will support an inclusive and localized approach to ensure citizen accountability.

Activity Goal: More effective and responsive local governance and practices.

Activity Objective: To develop LEGIs as an effective, responsive, inclusive, and accountable institution to address social issues and provide quality basic services to the most marginalized.

Intermediate Result-1: Strengthened LEGI capacity to be more transparent and accountable to the community and to monitor the quality of public and private services: Under this IR, the RLG activity will develop tools and practices that enable local systems to become more accountable, gender-sensitive, effective, and responsive institutions. For sustainability, RLG will work closely with the National Institution of Local Government (NILG) to incorporate successful training interventions in their curriculum (more will be explored in the LG Assessment for sustainability). Under this IR, the activity will support policy advocacy by LEGIs to encourage the national government to adopt legal and policy reforms to expand roles, authorities, and resource allocations for local governments so that they can improve service delivery by the cognizant offices. RLG will make efforts to promote e-governance practices within the LEGI and also to make them instrumental for overall e-governance practices at the community level. Through this IR, USAID intends to work with relevant local government actors to refine and institutionalize participatory practices in annual planning and budgeting for their areas.

Intermediate Result-2: Improved civil society, community-based organization, and citizen participation in local decision-making and in monitoring public service delivery, including those contracted out to the private sector: This IR will work on citizen participation in local decision-making by developing Citizens' Forums, including training and technical assistance to enhance the forums' ability to play an effective and active role in public management oversight. The training will include immediate and ongoing opportunities over an extended period of time for participants to practice and apply their new knowledge, skills, and tools to their participation in local governance, with accompanying coaching by the RLG activity. The LG Assessment will explore existing Citizen Forums at the community level and recommend if those can be included in the RLG activity. Through the existing forums or new forums, the activity will prepare the community to participate in the annual planning and budget session and at the same time strengthen their advocacy capacity for better services.

Illustrative interventions:

Intermediate Result-3: Strengthened LEGI-private-sector-civil society organization (CSO) coordination to improve the quality of public and private services: Coordination among central government (both field administration and service delivery offices), CSOs and the LEGIs are crucial to ensure optimal governance at the local level. Recent studies[1] indicate that NGOs have crucial roles in improving local governance, especially during the post-pandemic era. Both LEGIs and CSOs/CBOs work very closely with citizens and, with support, can form a tight alliance to advocate for better services for the community. In doing so, this activity will strongly encourage civil society and LEGI to partner with the private sector for improving service delivery.

The purpose of the new RLG activity is to support LEGI in improving its planning and responsiveness to the concerns and public and private service delivery needs of their communities, making sure no group is excluded.
With the new LG activity, USAID will support an inclusive and localized approach to ensure citizen accountability. The activity aims to develop LEGIs as effective, responsive, inclusive, and accountable institutions to address social issues and provide quality basic services to the most marginalized.

Grant Details
The RLG activity will focus on three Intermediate Results (IRs):
IR-1: Strengthened LEGI capacity to be more transparent and accountable to the community and to monitor the quality of public services;
IR-2: Improved civil society, community-based organization, and citizen participation in local decision-making and in monitoring service delivery;
IR-3: Strengthened LEGI-civil society organization (CSO) coordination to improve the quality of services.
The activity will involve developing tools and practices for local systems to become more accountable, gender-sensitive, effective, and responsive institutions. It will also work on citizen participation in local decision-making by developing Citizens’ Forums, including training and technical assistance to enhance their ability to play an effective role in public management oversight. Additionally, it will focus on strengthening LEGI-private-sector-civil society organization coordination to improve the quality of public and private services.

Eligibility Requirements
Eligible entities for this grant opportunity are not explicitly mentioned in the provided document.

Period of Performance
The period of performance for this grant opportunity is from FY 2024 to FY 2030.

Grant Value
The total estimated amount of this activity will be increased from $X to $Y. The specific value is not provided in the document.

Place of Performance
The geographic locations for this grant opportunity include Bangladesh/Barisal, Chattogram, Dhaka, Khulna, Rajshahi, Rangpur, Mymensingh, and Sylhet region.


Category of Funding
Law, Justice and Legal Services
Funding Instruments
Cooperative Agreement
Grant Category
Cost Sharing / Matching Requirement
On 5/29/24 U.S. Agency for International Development posted grant opportunity 72038824RFA00006 for Responsive Local Governance (RLG) Activity with funding of $15.0 million. The grant will be issued under grant program 98.001 USAID Foreign Assistance for Programs Overseas. It is expected that one grant will be made worth between $100 and $15.0 million.


Posted Date
May 29, 2024, 12:00 a.m. EDT
Closing Date
June 29, 2024, 12:00 a.m. EDT Past Due
Last Updated
June 25, 2024, 11:48 p.m. EDT
Archive Date
July 22, 2024


Eligible Applicants
Unrestricted (i.e., open to any type of entity above), subject to any clarification in text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility"

Award Sizing

Estimated Program Funding
Estimated Number of Grants


Mutaher M. Hussain acquisition and assistance speciali
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