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Request for Information (RFI)-The Enhancing Trade and Finance Activity-ETF in Ghana

ID: RFI-001-2024 • Type: Forecasted


The issuance of this RFI is an opportunity for USAID/Ghana to obtain responses from industry to the below listed questions in attachment A. USAID intends to use the information received from this RFI for planning purposes and to help make strategic decisions. Please do not include company brochures and general information not relevant or applicable to this Activity.

This is not a Request for Applications or Proposals (RFA/P) and is not a commitment by the U.S. Government. Issuance of this notice does not constitute an award commitment on the part of the Government, nor does it commit the Government to pay for any costs incurred in the preparation of responses to this RFI.

Responders are solely responsible for all expenses associated with responding to this RFI.

Submissions will not be acknowledged, nor will responses be returned. Information provided in response to this RFI must be received in writing via email; telephone calls will not be accepted.

USAID reserves the right in its sole discretion, without liability to utilize any, all, or none of the RFI response(s) in its planning efforts. USAID appreciates any questions and comments on the RFI and welcomes feedback on any or all the following questions in English.

Please include the following subject line for email responses: Enhancing Trade and Finance Request for Information No. RFI-001-2024.

The Enhancing Trade and Finance Activity (ETF) is initiated by USAID/Ghana to mobilize finance and investment in targeted sectors of the Ghanaian economy, including agriculture, climate mitigation and adaptation, trade, apparel, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), and renewable energy.

The goal is to create jobs and develop a diverse finance market that meets the financing needs of various business types through increased private sector investment. The initiative comes in response to Ghana's recovery from a severe macroeconomic crisis exacerbated by external shocks such as COVID-19 and global inflation.

Grant Details
The ETF aims to achieve three Development Objectives (DOs):
1) Mobilize private sector investment for high-impact sectors;
2) Create sustainable jobs by providing technical support to SMEs;
3) Facilitate a regulatory environment that encourages alternative financing methods.

Specific tasks include increasing the availability of custom financial products for SMEs, improving carbon market performance, enhancing trade through partnerships, mobilizing finance for WASH and renewable energy sectors, and strengthening regulations for carbon market operations. The activity will also focus on empowering youth and women in entrepreneurship.

Eligibility Requirements
Respondents must provide background information including company name, address, point of contact, business size (small or large), socioeconomic status if applicable, Unique Entity Identifier (UEI), and SAM registration status. Experience in areas such as trade facilitation, access to finance for marginalized populations, working with financial regulatory bodies, climate finance mobilization, and WASH/renewable energy financing is required.

Period of Performance
The planned performance period for the ETF is from 2025 to 2030.

Grant Value
The total value of the grant has not been specified; however, it will involve mobilizing private investments across various sectors.

Place of Performance
The grant activities will be performed in Ghana.


Category of Funding
Funding Instruments
Grant Category
Cost Sharing / Matching Requirement
On 9/11/24 U.S. Agency for International Development forecasted grant opportunity RFI-001-2024 for Request for Information (RFI)-The Enhancing Trade and Finance Activity-ETF in Ghana. The grant will be issued under grant program 98.007 Food for Peace Development Assistance Program (DAP).


Forecast Posted Date
Sept. 11, 2024, 12:00 a.m. EDT
Est. Application Posting Date
Sept. 11, 2024, 12:00 a.m. EDT
Est. Synopsis Response Date
Oct. 10, 2024, 12:00 a.m. EDT Forecasted
Last Updated
Sept. 11, 2024, 5:23 a.m. EDT


Eligible Applicants
Unrestricted (i.e., open to any type of entity above), subject to any clarification in text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility"


Contact Email


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