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OVC FY 2022 Invited to Apply Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside Formula Grant Program

ID: O-OVC-2022-171239 • Type: Posted


OJP is committed to advancing work that promotes civil rights and racial equity, increases access to justice, supports crime victims and individuals impacted by the justice system, strengthens community safety and protects the public from crime and evolving threats, and builds trust between law enforcement and the community.This solicitation supports the provision of services to crime victims in American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities through an administrative formula program funded through a set-aside designated by law from the Crime Victims Fund. The program is not competitive and is open only to federally recognized Indian Tribes (applying individually or as consortia), ANCSA regional corporations, and their authorized designees. Statutory Authority: Any awards under this solicitation would be made under statutory authority provided by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022.

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) seeks applications for funding for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside (TVSSA) Formula Grant Program. This program furthers the Department’s mission by supporting the provision of victim services in American Indian/Alaska Native communities.

Grant Details
This solicitation supports the provision of services to crime victims in American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities through an administrative formula program funded through a set-aside designated by law from the Crime Victims Fund. The program is not competitive and is open only to federally recognized Indian Tribes (applying individually or as consortia), ANCSA regional corporations, and their authorized designees.

Eligibility Requirements
Eligible applicants are entities that submitted Population Certifications by February 15, 2022 and have been notified by OVC of their formula allocation. To confirm eligibility or formula allocation, applicants can refer to the funding table posted at

Period of Performance
Period of Performance start date: January 1, 2023 for most applicants, though some applicants may be permitted to start performance on October 1, 2023 to avoid interruption of services.
Period of Performance duration: As determined by applicant: 12, 24, 36, 48, or 60 months.

Grant Value
$110,000,000.00 - Anticipated Total Amount to be Awarded Under Solicitation

Place of Performance
The specific geographic location(s) where the grant will be performed are American Indian/Alaska Native communities.


Category of Funding
Income Security and Social Services
Funding Instruments
Grant Category
Cost Sharing / Matching Requirement
On 4/20/22 the Office for Victims of Crime posted grant opportunity O-OVC-2022-171239 for OVC FY 2022 Invited to Apply Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside Formula Grant Program with funding of $110.0 million. The grant will be issued under grant program 16.841 VOCA Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside Program. It is expected that 192 total grants will be made.


Posted Date
April 20, 2022, 12:00 a.m. EDT
Closing Date
May 11, 2022, 12:00 a.m. EDT Past Due
Last Updated
July 13, 2022, 8:50 a.m. EDT


Eligible Applicants
Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)
Additional Info
Under this program, OVC allocates funding to participating Tribes through a discretionary administrative formula based on the Population Certifications submitted by Federally recognized Indian Tribes, Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (“ANCSA”) Regional Corporations, and designees. Eligible applicants are entities that submitted Population Certifications by February 15, 2022 and have been notified by OVC of their formula allocation. To confirm your eligibility to apply under this solicitation or to confirm your FY 2022 formula allocation, see the funding table posted at   To advance Executive Order 13929 Safe Policing for Safe Communities, the Attorney General determined that all state, local, and university or college law enforcement agencies must be certified by an approved independent credentialing body or have started the certification process, to be eligible for FY 2022 DOJ discretionary grant funding. To become certified, the law enforcement agency must meet two mandatory conditions: (1) the agency’s use-of-force policies adhere to all applicable federal, state, and local laws and (2) the agency’s use-of-force policies prohibit chokeholds except in situations where use of deadly force is allowed by law. The certification requirement also applies to law enforcement agencies receiving DOJ discretionary grant funding through a subaward. For detailed information on this certification requirement, please visit to access the Standards for Certification on Safe Policing for Safe Communities, the Implementation Fact Sheet, and the List of Designated Independent Credentialing Bodies. All recipients and subrecipients (including any for-profit organization) must forgo any profit or management fee.

Award Sizing

Not Listed
Not Listed
Estimated Program Funding
Estimated Number of Grants


Office for Victims of Crime
Email Description
Contact Phone
(202) 353-2138
Additional Information
Funding Opportunity


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