Search Grant Opportunities

Next Era of Wireless and Spectrum

ID: 24-549 • Type: Posted


The National Science Foundation's Directorates for Engineering (ENG), Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE), Mathematical & Physical Sciences (MPS), and Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE) are coordinating efforts to create fundamental understanding that will enablecontinued effective use of an essential common resource, the electromagnetic spectrum. Existing approaches to spectrum management and regulationhave struggled with the ever-increasing demands for spectrum created by continual emergence of new scientific, military, and commercial applications, powered by steady advances in wireless technologies. Development of fundamentally new models and paradigms of spectrum access and management, along with enabling technologies, is needed before it becomes too costly to accommodate new innovations and essential services, or too late to sustain the digital transformation and growth of key industries and public services. This program seeks to develop the intellectual capital enabling the U.S. to smoothly and quickly transition to effective new ways of using and managing the radio and optical spectrum after the end of the current spectrum era of long-term exclusive-use license auctions, thereby sustaining and advancing the social, economic, scientific, and U.S. national leadership benefits derived from the electromagnetic spectrum.


Category of Funding
Science and Technology and other Research and Development
Funding Instruments
Grant Category
Cost Sharing / Matching Requirement
On 2/22/24 National Science Foundation posted grant opportunity 24-549 for Next Era of Wireless and Spectrum with funding of $13.2 million. The grant will be issued under grant program 47.041 Engineering. It is expected that 24 total grants will be made worth between $400,000 and $800,000.


Posted Date
Feb. 22, 2024, 12:00 a.m. EST
Closing Date
May 28, 2024, 12:00 a.m. EDT Past Due
Last Updated
May 20, 2024, 11:01 a.m. EDT
Archive Date
June 27, 2024


Eligible Applicants
Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)
Additional Info
*Who May Submit Proposals: Proposals may only be submitted by the following: -Non-profit, non-academic organizations: Independent museums, observatories, research laboratories, professional societies and similar organizations located in the U.S. that are directly associated with educational or research activities. -Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) - Two- and four-year IHEs (including community colleges) accredited in, and having a campus located in the US, acting on behalf of their faculty members.Special Instructions for International Branch Campuses of US IHEs: If the proposal includes funding to be provided to an international branch campus of a US institution of higher education (including through use of subawards and consultant arrangements), the proposer must explain the benefit(s) to the project of performance at the international branch campus, and justify why the project activities cannot be performed at the US campus. *Who May Serve as PI: By the submission deadline, any PI, co-PI, or other senior/key personnel must hold either: <ul> <li>a tenured or tenure-track position, or</li> <li>a primary, full-time, paid appointment in a research or teaching position</li> </ul> at a US-based campus of an IHE or at a non-profit non-academic organization, with exceptions granted for family or medical leave, as determined by the submitting organization. Individuals with primary appointments at for-profit non-academic organizations or at overseas branch campuses of US IHEs are not eligible.

Award Sizing

Estimated Program Funding
Estimated Number of Grants


National Science Foundation
Contact Email
Email Description
If you have any problems linking to this funding announcement, please contact the email address above.
Contact Phone
(703) 292-4261
Additional Information
NSF Publication 24-549


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