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FY 2023 Competitive Funding Opportunity; Buses and Bus Facilities Program

ID: FTA-2023-003-TPM-BUS • Type: Posted


The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announces the availability of approximately $469 million in competitive grants under the Buses and Bus Facilities Program is to assist in the financing of buses and bus facilities capital projects, including replacing, rehabilitating, purchasing or leasing buses or related equipment, and rehabilitating, purchasing, constructing or leasing bus-related facilities. Synopses and full announcement will be posted on as opportunity FTA-2023-003-TPM-BUS. Proposals must be submitted electronically through website by 11:59 PM Eastern Time April 13, 2023.

The Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announces the availability of approximately $469 million in competitive grants under the Buses and Bus Facilities Program to assist in the financing of buses and bus facilities capital projects. This includes replacing, rehabilitating, purchasing or leasing buses or related equipment, and rehabilitating, purchasing, constructing or leasing bus-related facilities.

Grant Details
The Buses and Bus Facilities Program funds will be awarded competitively to assist in the financing of capital projects to replace, rehabilitate, purchase or lease buses and related equipment, or to rehabilitate, purchase, construct or lease bus-related facilities. The program aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the transportation sector; incorporate evidence-based climate resilience measures and features; avoid adverse environmental impacts to air or water quality, wetlands, and endangered species; and address disproportionate negative environmental impacts of transportation on disadvantaged communities. It also aims to support the creation of good-paying jobs with the free and fair choice to join a union and the incorporation of strong labor standards and training and placement programs.

Eligibility Requirements
Eligible applicants for the Buses and Bus Facilities Program include designated recipients that allocate funds to fixed route bus operators, States (including territories and Washington, DC) or local governmental entities that operate fixed route bus service, and Indian tribes. Eligible subrecipients include private nonprofit organizations engaged in public transportation. Applicants must demonstrate legal, financial, and technical capabilities to receive and administer Federal funds under this program.

Period of Performance
FTA will award grants for these programs within 75 days after the date this solicitation expires from funds available for award at that time. FTA may award additional funding that is made available to the programs prior to the announcement of project selections.

Grant Value
$469 million in competitive grants under the FY 2023 Buses and Bus Facilities Program.

Place of Performance
Projects must be implemented on the same timeline as required by 49 U.S.C. 5339.


Category of Funding
Funding Instruments
Grant Category
Cost Sharing / Matching Requirement
On 1/27/23 Federal Transit Administration posted grant opportunity FTA-2023-003-TPM-BUS for FY 2023 Competitive Funding Opportunity; Buses and Bus Facilities Program with funding of $469.4 million. The grant will be issued under grant program 20.526 Buses and Bus Facilities Formula, Competitive, and Low or No Emissions Programs. It is expected that 50 total grants will be made.


Posted Date
Jan. 27, 2023, 12:00 a.m. EST
Closing Date
April 13, 2023, 12:00 a.m. EDT Past Due
Last Updated
Jan. 27, 2023, 9:40 a.m. EST
Archive Date
May 13, 2023


Eligible Applicants
State governments
Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)
Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)
County governments
City or township governments
Additional Info
Eligible applicants for the Buses and Bus Facilities Program include designated recipients that allocate funds to fixed route bus operators, States (including territories and Washington D.C.) or local governmental entities that operate fixed route bus service, and Indian tribes. Eligible subrecipients include all otherwise eligible applicants and also private nonprofit organizations engaged in public transportation. Except for projects proposed by Indian tribes, all proposals for projects in rural (non-urbanized) areas must be submitted by a State, either individually or as a part of a statewide application.

Award Sizing

Not Listed
Estimated Program Funding
Estimated Number of Grants


Johnita S Glover Transportation Program Analyst
Email Description
FTA Office of Program Management
Contact Phone
(202) 366-9833
Additional Information
FTA NOFO Website


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