Search Grant Opportunities

F23AS00228 FY 2023 Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund Traditional Conservation Grants Program Region 1

ID: F23AS00228 • Type: Posted


The principle objective of the Traditional Conservation Grant Program is to support the development and implementation of States' programs to conserve and recover threated and endangered species under the Service's jurisdiction. Financial assistance, provided in the form of grants, can be used to support projects that have direct benefits for federally listed species, candidate and at-risk species, and recently delisted species. States may apply for funding to conduct conservation work on federally-listed resident species that are included in the State's cooperative agreement. States may also apply for funding to monitor candidate, at-risk, and recently delisted species. Projects proposed for funding may involve management, research, monitoring, and outreach activities or any combination thereof. Applications should include clear and specific information about how the proposed work would contribute to species recovery or prevent the need to list a species under the Endangered Species Act. Successful applications will be those that clearly demonstrate a direct benefit to the species or its habitat.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) recognizes success in conserving and recovering endangered species depends largely on working cooperatively with States and Territories. Section 6 of the ESA authorizes the Secretary of Interior to enter into cooperative agreements with States that establish and maintain an 'adequate and active' program for the conservation of threatened and endangered species of fish, wildlife, and plants that are resident in the States.

Grant Details
The Traditional Conservation Grant Program aims to support the development and implementation of States’ programs to conserve and recover threatened and endangered species under the Service’s jurisdiction. Financial assistance, provided in the form of competitive grants, can be used to support projects that have direct benefits for federally listed species, candidate and at-risk species, and recently delisted species.
Projects proposed for funding may involve management, research, monitoring, and outreach activities or any combination thereof. Eligible activities may include introduction of species into suitable habitats within their historic range, enhancement or restoration of habitat, surveys and inventories of habitats, species status surveys, propagation of animals and plants, research such as genetic analysis to determine genetic health and population structure, public education and outreach tools such as website development or coordination workshops with local landowners to address a specific threat to a species, monitoring of candidate, at-risk, and recently recovered species.

Eligibility Requirements
Eligible applicants include State governments that have entered into a cooperative agreement with the Service pursuant to section 6(c) of the ESA or enters into/reconfirms such an agreement within 30 days of the application deadline.
The minimum non-Federal cost share is 25 percent of the total project cost. If an application involves the collaboration of two or more States, the minimum non-Federal cost share decreases to 10 percent of the total project cost.

Period of Performance
The maximum period of performance (PoP) for a grant awarded through this notice is three years from the effective date established at the time of grant approval or the date of award obligation, whichever is earlier. If an approved grant award will not be completed within the PoP, the State may request a one-time extension of up to 12 months with appropriate justification.

Grant Value
$4,406,541 is expected to be awarded through this opportunity with an expected award date in July 31, 2023. The Service expects to award 46 grants in FY 2023 with an average award amount remaining consistent with previous fiscal year.

Place of Performance
Projects funded through this opportunity must involve voluntary conservation efforts within the United States.


Category of Funding
Funding Instruments
Grant Category
Cost Sharing / Matching Requirement
On 2/8/23 Fish and Wildlife Service posted grant opportunity F23AS00228 for F23AS00228 FY 2023 Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund Traditional Conservation Grants Program Region 1 with funding of $4.4 million. The grant will be issued under grant program 15.615 Cooperative Endangered Species Conservation Fund.


Posted Date
Feb. 8, 2023, 12:00 a.m. EST
Closing Date
May 24, 2023, 12:00 a.m. EDT Past Due
Closing Date Explanation
Electronically submitted applications must be submitted no later than 11:59 PM., ET, on the listed application due date.This program requires the submission of applications online through as applicants will receive an acknowledgment of application receipt. GrantSolutions automatically generates an electronic date and time stamp in the system upon application receipt. Applicants are encouraged to verify the completeness of their application package before submission using the checklist provided below. APPLICATION CHECKLISTSF-424, Application for Federal AssistanceProject Abstract Summary FormProject NarrativeSF-424A , Budget InformationBudget NarrativeIndirect Cost Statement and related documentation (when applicable)Conflict of Interest Disclosure (when applicable)Single Audit Reporting Statement (when applicable)SF-LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (when applicable)Overlap or Duplication of Effort Statement 
Last Updated
Feb. 23, 2023, 9:42 a.m. EST
Archive Date
Aug. 31, 2023


Eligible Applicants
State governments
Additional Info
Only States agencies that have entered into a cooperative agreement with the Service pursuant to section 6(c) of the ESA or enters into/reconfirms such an agreement within 30 days of the application deadline are eligible to apply under this funding opportunity.  The Service requires a complete, signed cooperative agreement before it can obligate Federal funds to a project [50 CFR 81.3, 50 CFR 81.5, 43 CFR 12.50(b)(3)].  While funding can only be granted to States, individuals or groups (for example counties or conservation organizations) may work with a State agency that has a cooperative agreement on conservation efforts that are mutually beneficial, as a subgrantee.

Award Sizing

Estimated Program Funding
Estimated Number of Grants
Not Listed


Fish and Wildlife Service
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