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Expanding Capacity in Quantum Information Science and Engineering

ID: 24-523 • Type: Posted


The NSF Expanding Capacity in Quantum Information Science and Engineering (ExpandQISE) program aims to increase research capacity and broaden participation in Quantum Information Science and Engineering (QISE) and related disciplines through the creation of a diversified investment portfolio in research and education that will lead to scientific, engineering and technological breakthroughs, while securing a talent pipeline in a field where workforce needs of industry, government and academia continue to outgrow the available talent. The ExpandQISE program helps build and maintain a close connection between new efforts and existing impactful work in research, research training, education, outreach, and broadening participation done at the existing QISE Centers such as, for example but not limited to NSF QLCI Institutes, DOE National Research Centers, NSF Quantum Foundries, or leading QISE research Institutions, while creating and nurturing necessary critical mass at Institutions not yet fully involved in QISE. In keeping with the NSF goal of increasing the participation of all members of society in the scientific enterprise, institutions from EPSCoR jurisdictions, and institutions at which more than 50% of enrolled students come from groups that are currently under-represented in the sciences, e.g. minority-serving institutions (MSIs), are especially encouraged to apply. Followingthe agreement between the Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation developed in the course of implementation of the National Quantum Initiative Act of 2018, the ExpandQISE program is coordinated with the Department of Energy (DOE), including sharing of information about submissions, the review processes and projects fundingcoordination. DOE Program Managers may also recommend reviewers and attend the review panels as observers. Principal Investigators submitting proposals to theNational Science Foundation (NSF) in response to this solicitation can expect that Program Managers from DOE will have access to the following information: letters of intent, white papers, proposals, unattributed reviews and panel summaries. DOE Program Managers may also recommend reviewers and attend the review panels as observers.Coordination with the DOE will help avoid duplication of funding by the agencies and contribute to enhancing the breadth and impact of the investments by each agency.


On 1/5/24 National Science Foundation posted grant opportunity 24-523 for Expanding Capacity in Quantum Information Science and Engineering with funding of $20.0 million. The grant will be issued under grant program 47.041 Engineering. It is expected that 30 total grants will be made.


Posted Date
Jan. 5, 2024, 12:00 a.m. EST
Closing Date
April 1, 2024, 12:00 a.m. EDT Past Due
Last Updated
Feb. 24, 2024, 12:25 a.m. EST
Archive Date
May 1, 2024


Eligible Applicants
Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)
Additional Info
*Who May Submit Proposals: Proposals may only be submitted by the following: - The proposal must be submitted by Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs) accredited in, and having a campus located in the U.S., that are not currently classified as a Doctoral University with &ldquo;Very High Research Activity&rdquo; (R1 institutions) according to the 2021 Carnegie Classification update: These include two- and four-year IHEs (including community colleges) accredited in, and having a campus located in the U.S., acting on behalf of their faculty members. Eligibility is based on the classification on the date of proposal submission deadline. All U.S.-based accredited Institutions of Higher Education, including R1 institutions, are eligible to be named a subawardee (partner) institutions. Funding of partnering institutions must be requested via subawards; separately submitted collaborative proposals are not permitted. The total amount of funding to subawardee institutions is limited to no more than 30% of the total award amount. *Who May Serve as PI: By the submission deadline, the Principal Investigator must hold either: <ul type="disc"> <li>a tenured or tenure-track position, or</li> <li>a full-time, paid appointment to a research or teaching position</li> </ul> at a U.S.-based campus of an IHE eligible to submit to this solicitation, as described in detail in the 'Eligible Institutions of Higher Education' section. At least one specified co-PI must: (i) hold a full-time faculty appointment at an Institution of Higher Education; and (ii) have an established and productive research career in the area of Quantum Information Science and Engineering.<a id="_anchor_1" name="_msoanchor_1" href=""><br /></a>

Award Sizing

Not Listed
Not Listed
Estimated Program Funding
Estimated Number of Grants


National Science Foundation
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Contact Phone
(703) 292-4261
Additional Information
NSF Publication 24-523


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