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Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Program for States

ID: CDC-RFA-CE-25-0009 • Type: Forecasted


This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) builds on and expands the Injury Center's current Comprehensive Suicide Prevention program. The purpose of this NOFO is to implement and evaluate a comprehensive approach, with attention to one or more disproportionately affected populations (such as veterans, rural communities, tribal populations, LGBTQ, homeless, or others). These populations account for a significant proportion of the suicide burden and/or have suicide rates greater than the general population in a jurisdiction(s) (such as state, county, or tribe). Strategies and Activities: 1. Within first six months, assess partnerships, data, and existing capacity for suicide prevention to inform comprehensive approach to suicide: Partnership - Assess existing and new partnerships (including those for syndromic surveillance) to create and implement a multi-sectorial partnership plan Data Utilization - Utilize surveillance (including syndromic) data to refine DAP and contributors to suicide morbidity and mortality Asset and Gap Inventory - Create an inventory of existing suicide prevention programs in the jurisdiction to identify assets and gaps Selection of strategies/approaches Utilize findings from activities 1A-C to select appropriate strategies/approaches from the CDC Suicide Prevention Resource for Action 2. Following Strategy 1 activities and no later than year 2, implement a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention: Partnership - Build and sustain partnerships to implement comprehensive suicide activities Data Utilization Utilize surveillance (including syndromic) data to assess suicide contributors, trends, and inform suicide prevention and response Asset and Gap Inventory - Annually update the inventory of existing suicide prevention programs in the jurisdiction Implementation of strategies/approaches Leverage partnerships to implement strategies/approaches from the CDC Suicide Prevention Resource for Action to address suicide contributors among DAPs and fill jurisdictional gaps 3. Following Strategy 1 activities and no later than year 2, Evaluation all activities (1A-D and 2A-D) for continuous quality improvement, to assess sustained capacity for suicide prevention in jurisdiction, and to identify promising practices for suicide prevention from the field 4. Following Strategy 1 activities and no later than year 2, Communication and dissemination of programmatic and data findings to inform partner programmatic decision-making Short Term Outcomes (Years 2-3) Increased and sustained critical multi-sectorial partner engagement in CSP programmatic and surveillance activities Increased recipient and partner awareness of DAPs, suicide contributors, and emergent trends Increased reach of suicide prevention strategies to address suicide burden among DAPs in jurisdiction Increased utilization of evaluation findings for continuous quality improvement and assessment of outcomes Increased partner awareness of CSP programmatic, data, and evaluation findings Midterm Outcomes (Years 4-5) Improved coordination of comprehensive suicide prevention among recipients and partners within jurisdiction Sustained recipient and increased partner use of surveillance data to inform suicide prevention and response Sustained recipient infrastructure to lead implementation of comprehensive suicide prevention in jurisdiction Decreased risk factors and increased protective factors among DAP(s) in jurisdiction Increased utilization of evaluation findings to identify promising practices to reduce and prevent suicide Long-Term Outcomes (Years 5 and beyond) 5 percent reduction in suicide mortality among selected DAPs


Category of Funding
Funding Instruments
Cooperative Agreement
Grant Category
Cost Sharing / Matching Requirement
On 8/6/24 Injury Center forecasted grant opportunity CDC-RFA-CE-25-0009 for Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Program for States with funding of $49.7 million. The grant will be issued under grant program 93.136 Injury Prevention and Control Research and State and Community Based Programs. It is expected that 42 total grants will be made worth between $650,000 and $1.2 million.


Forecast Posted Date
Aug. 6, 2024, 12:00 a.m. EDT
Est. Application Posting Date
Feb. 28, 2025, 12:00 a.m. EST
Est. Synopsis Response Date
May 2, 2025, 12:00 a.m. EDT Forecasted
Last Updated
Oct. 23, 2024, 5:13 p.m. EDT
Archive Date
June 1, 2025


Eligible Applicants
Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)
State governments
Additional Info
State level jurisdictions and territories are eligible for this cooperative agreement. The award floor for this NOFO is $650,000. The award ceiling is $1,200,000. CDC will consider any application requesting an award lower than $650,000 or higher than $1,200,000 as nonresponsive and it will receive no further review. Funded recipients and jurisdictions of CE22-2204 (Expansion of Comprehensive Suicide Prevention Across the U.S.) will not be eligible to apply for this cooperative agreement. Eligible applications must include the following to be responsive: One (1) letter of Commitment (LOC): Obtain from the jurisdiction's health department leadership (state or territorial) on official letterhead, endorsing the proposed activities. One (1) letter of Support (LOS) and Preliminary Data Use Agreement (DUA) from the manager of suicide-related morbidity and mortality surveillance data on official letterhead, confirming data access for the applicant program's jurisdiction. Three (3) letters of Support (LOS) from Partnering Organizations: Gather 3 letters from organizations that will assist in implementing proposed activities, corresponding to each tier: Tier 1: Community-based interventions. Tier 2: Healthcare-related interventions, Tier 3: Upstream interventions, Two (2) letters of Support from Multi-Sectorial Partners: Obtain 2 letters from prospective partners such as American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) chapters, suicide prevention coalitions, or organizations working with survivors or those with lived experience. One (1) preliminary Program Organizational Chart: Provide a chart showing the required staff members: 1 Full-Time Employee (FTE) or equivalent epidemiologist 0.5 FTE or equivalent behavioral scientist 0.5 FTE or equivalent communications specialist 0.5 FTE or equivalent evaluator Applicants must submit the LOC, LOS, preliminary DUA and preliminary organizational chart, name the files “LOC”, “LOS-DUA”, “LOS-Tier Partners”, “LOS-multi-sectorial partners” and “Organizational Chart” and upload them as PDF files at Applications that do not meet the above criteria will be considered non-responsive and will not move forward for review.

Award Sizing

Estimated Program Funding
Estimated Number of Grants


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