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Citizen Observation for Democratic Elections (CODE) Activity

ID: 72067523RFA00003 • Type: Posted


Dear Interested Applicants:

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/ Guinea is seeking applications for a cooperative agreement or grant from qualified entities to implement the program entitled Citizen Observation for Democratic Elections (CODE) in Guinea.

The goal of the Citizen Observation for Democratic Elections (CODE) Activity is to foster greater transparency, integrity, and credibility of the electoral process and elections in Guinea, in order to promote peaceful acceptance of the electoral results and democratic stability in the country while strengthening local capacities.

This goal will be reached through:

1. Supporting data-driven domestic long and short-term electoral observation efforts that respect international standards and increase trust in electoral outcomes; while

2. Building the capacity of local civil society organizations to monitor political processes and conduct election observation in the future in Guinea.

Subject to funding availability, USAID/Guinea intends to provide $6M in total USAID funding over a three-year (3) period.

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/ Guinea is seeking applications for a cooperative agreement or grant from qualified entities to implement the program entitled “Citizen Observation for Democratic Elections (CODE)” in Guinea. The goal of the Citizen Observation for Democratic Elections (CODE) Activity is to foster greater transparency, integrity, and credibility of the electoral process and elections in Guinea, in order to promote peaceful acceptance of the electoral results and democratic stability in the country while strengthening local capacities.

Grant Details
The Citizen Observation for Democratic Elections (CODE) Activity aims to support data-driven domestic long and short-term electoral observation efforts that respect international standards and increase trust in electoral outcomes. It also seeks to build the capacity of local civil society organizations to monitor political processes and conduct election observation in the future in Guinea. The activity will be subject to 2 CFR 200 – Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, and USAID’s supplement, 2 CFR 700.

Eligibility Requirements
Eligibility for this award is not restricted. The authority for this funding opportunity is found in the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended. USAID intends to make an award to the applicant(s) who best meets the objectives of this funding opportunity based on the merit review criteria described in this NOFO subject to a risk assessment.

Period of Performance
Subject to funding availability, USAID/Guinea intends to provide $6M in total USAID funding over a three-year (3) period.

Grant Value
$6M in total USAID funding over a three-year (3) period.

Place of Performance
The CODE Activity will be performed in Guinea.


Category of Funding
Other (see text field entitled "Explanation of Other Category of Funding Activity" for clarification)
Funding Instruments
Cooperative Agreement
Grant Category
Cost Sharing / Matching Requirement
On 9/1/23 U.S. Agency for International Development posted grant opportunity 72067523RFA00003 for Citizen Observation for Democratic Elections (CODE) Activity with funding of $6.0 million. The grant will be issued under grant program 98.001 USAID Foreign Assistance for Programs Overseas. It is expected that one grant will be made worth between $6.0 million and $6.0 million.


Posted Date
Sept. 1, 2023, 12:00 a.m. EDT
Closing Date
Oct. 20, 2023, 12:00 a.m. EDT Past Due
Last Updated
Sept. 1, 2023, 7:47 a.m. EDT
Archive Date
Nov. 19, 2023


Eligible Applicants
Unrestricted (i.e., open to any type of entity above), subject to any clarification in text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility"

Award Sizing

Estimated Program Funding
Estimated Number of Grants


Aissatou Conde Grantor
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