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BJA FY 23 Invited to Apply- Byrne Discretionary Community Project Funding/Byrne Discretionary Grants Program

ID: O-BJA-2023-171577 • Type: Posted


OJP is committed to advancing work that promotes civil rights and racial equity, increases access to justice, supports crime victims and individuals impacted by the justice system, strengthens community safety and protects the public from crime and evolving threats, and builds trust between law enforcement and the community. The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) is authorized to distribute funds to support projects designated for funding in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (Public Law 117-328) to improve the functioning of the criminal justice system, to prevent or combat juvenile delinquency, and to assist victims of crime (other than compensation). The explanatory statement regarding the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (Public Law 117-328) lists the designated projects, which the Act incorporates by reference, as stated in relevant part, below $229,551,000 is for discretionary grants to improve the functioning of the criminal justice system, to prevent or combat juvenile delinquency, and to assist victims of crime (other than compensation), which shall be used for the projects, and in the amounts, specified under the heading, "Byrne Discretionary Community Project Grants/Byrne Discretionary Grants," in the explanatory statement described in section 4 (in the matter preceding division A of this consolidated Act)[.]Public Law No. 117-328, div. B, title II (2022), 136 Stat. 4459, 4535.Statutory Authority: Department of Justice Appropriations Act, 2023 (Public Law No. 117-328; 136 Stat. 4459, 4535)


Category of Funding
Humanities (see "Cultural Affairs" in CFDA)
Funding Instruments
Grant Category
Cost Sharing / Matching Requirement
On 2/10/23 the Bureau of Justice Assistance posted grant opportunity O-BJA-2023-171577 for BJA FY 23 Invited to Apply- Byrne Discretionary Community Project Funding/Byrne Discretionary Grants Program. The grant will be issued under grant program 16.753 Congressionally Recommended Awards. It is expected that 196 total grants will be made.


Posted Date
Feb. 10, 2023, 12:00 a.m. EST
Closing Date
June 28, 2023, 12:00 a.m. EDT Past Due
Last Updated
June 1, 2023, 1:18 p.m. EDT


Eligible Applicants
Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)
Additional Info
Eligible applicants are limited to those identified in the Congressional Joint Explanatory Statement (JES) for the projects designated for funding. A list of the projects designated for funding in FY23 can be found here: FY23 Appropriations. The legal name (or “doing business as” name) associated with the applicant’s unique entity identifier (UEI) as registered in the System of Award Management (SAM) must coincide with the recipient listed in the JES. All recipients and subrecipients (including any for-profit organization) must forgo any profit or management fee.

Award Sizing

Not Listed
Estimated Program Funding
Not Provided
Estimated Number of Grants


Bureau of Justice Assistance
Contact Email
Email Description
Technical Assistance
Contact Phone
(202) 514-9354


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