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AT-24-03: Ocean Environmental Monitoring and Sound Propagation Study at Mid-Atlantic Shelfbreak Offshore Wind Area

ID: M24AS00265 • Type: Posted


Environmental assessments on offshore renewable energy development require accurate modeling and effective monitoring. Traditional sound propagation modeling for noise effect analysis often uses historical environmental variables that may not reflect oceanographic regime shifts due to climate change. Existing acoustic monitoring only evaluates species calls and signal/noise characteristics collected at the recording sites without incorporating oceanographic variables, and is thus unable to address broader issues such as ecological dynamics and oceanographic processes related to offshore wind development.The proposed study will deploy acoustic sensors in the vicinity of the National Science Foundation's (NSF's) Pioneer Array ocean observation platform to collect active and passive acoustic datasets and to conduct sound propagation measurements. Acoustic data analyses will incorporate physical oceanographic time series collected in situ to understand mesoscale and sub-mesoscale oceanographic dynamics and ecosystem level effects from offshore wind development.The outcome of the study will assist to understand the sub-mesoscale and mesoscale oceanographic processes and changes in relation to offshore wind planning and development at the mid-Atlantic shelfbreak region. The outcome will also provide validation to regional sound propagation models. Additionally, the outcome will include information on diurnal, seasonal, and annual occurrence and abundance of planktons, fishes, and marine mammals near offshore wind farm areas.
Environmental assessments on offshore renewable energy development require accurate modeling and effective monitoring. The proposed study aims to deploy acoustic sensors in the vicinity of the National Science Foundation’s (NSF’s) Pioneer Array ocean observation platform to collect active and passive acoustic datasets and to conduct sound propagation measurements. The outcome of the study will assist in understanding the sub-mesoscale and mesoscale oceanographic processes and changes in relation to offshore wind planning and development at the mid-Atlantic shelfbreak region.
Additionally, the study will provide validation to regional sound propagation models and include information on diurnal, seasonal, and annual occurrence and abundance of planktons, fishes, and marine mammals near offshore wind farm areas.

Grant Details
The study will involve deploying active and passive acoustic sensors, conducting long-term environmental monitoring, analyzing acoustic datasets in conjunction with physical oceanographic variables collected in situ, developing signal processing software for oceanographic processes and ecosystem dynamics, characterizing soundscape dynamics of the study area, improving sound propagation models that incorporate environmental parameters, providing marine species detection and localization support to Atlantic regional PAM network efforts, working with BOEM experts on future research recommendations using acoustics to study oceanographic processes and ecosystem dynamics in relation to offshore wind development, producing quarterly reports summarizing progress, delivering a final report and technical summary following BOEM specifications.

Eligibility Requirements
The total project allocation for this study is $3 million from FY24 to FY27. A preliminary breakout of funding amount is listed below but can be amended as needed per BOEM approval. No study proposal may have a budget exceeding $3 million in funds requested from BOEM. Matching contributions from the applicant are strongly recommended. BOEM anticipates that there would be a single award as part of this project.

Period of Performance
The period of performance for the contract is from FY24 to FY27 with a total project allocation of $3 million.

Grant Value
$3 million from FY24 to FY27

Place of Performance
The specific geographic location for this grant is the mid-Atlantic shelfbreak region between Virginia and North Carolina.


Category of Funding
Funding Instruments
Cooperative Agreement
Grant Category
Cost Sharing / Matching Requirement
On 3/20/24 the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management posted grant opportunity M24AS00265 for AT-24-03: Ocean Environmental Monitoring and Sound Propagation Study at Mid-Atlantic Shelfbreak Offshore Wind Area with funding of $3.0 million. The grant will be issued under grant program 15.423 Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Environmental Studies (ES).


Posted Date
March 20, 2024, 12:00 a.m. EDT
Closing Date
June 13, 2024, 12:00 a.m. EDT Past Due
Closing Date Explanation
Electronically submitted applications must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m., ET,on the listed application due date.
Last Updated
March 20, 2024, 11:21 a.m. EDT
Archive Date
July 13, 2024


Eligible Applicants
State governments
Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)
Public and State controlled institutions of higher education
Additional Info
This Program Announcement describes the specific projects that may be awarded to the universities or eligible groups identified. All awards are premised on receipt of an acceptable proposal. This is not an open solicitation for proposals.This announcement is specifically to announce intent to undertake the following project(s):Ocean Environmental Monitoring and Sound Propagation Study at Mid-Atlantic Shelfbreak Offshore Wind AreaOpen to:Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESUs): North Atlantic Coast, Chesapeake Watershed, Gulf Coast, Californian, and Pacific Northwest.The award will be a cooperative agreement (see Eligibility Information below). This involves substantial involvement by BOEM scientists in various aspects of study development and/or study conduct. Research projects are required to have a staff member of the applying organization as the Principal Investigator (PI).Cooperative research between interested organizations-i.e., state agencies, public universities, and non-profits in affected states-is always encouraged.Cost Share/Match: Contributions of matching funds towards these efforts, either as cash or in­ kind contributions (such as salary, equipment, etc., or a combination of both) is very strongly encouraged. Match cannot include value associated with collection costs for samples previously collected. Match value for instrumentation and other equipment should be adjusted to the period of use within the project relative to the full life cycle for the item. Written documentation for the assessed match for ship time (if applicable) shall provide a fair assessment of costs relevant to the project. Matching dollars cannot be from other Federal funding sources. Further information can be located at 2 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 200.306.All questions regarding this project, including eligibility, should be directed only to the "Program Announcement and Cooperative Agreement Questions" point-of-contact listed in Section G.

Award Sizing

Estimated Program Funding
Estimated Number of Grants
Not Listed


Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Contact Email
Contact Phone
(703) 787-1342


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