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Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Sustainable Agricultural Systems

ID: USDA-NIFA-AFRI-009802 • Type: Posted


Applications to the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative - Sustainable Agricultural Systems (SAS) Request for Applications (RFA) must focus on approaches that promote transformational changes in the U.S. food and agriculture system. NIFA seeks creative and visionary applications that take a systems approach for projects are expected to significantly improve the supply of affordable, safe, nutritious, and accessible agricultural products, while fostering economic development and rural prosperity in America. These approaches must demonstrate current needs and anticipate future social, cultural, behavioral, economic, health, and environmental impacts. Additionally, the outcomes of the work being proposed should result in societal benefits, including promotion of rural prosperity and enhancement of quality of life for all those involved in food and agricultural value chains from production to utilization and consumption. See AFRI SAS RFA for details.

The Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) is USDA’s flagship competitive grant program that provides funding for fundamental and applied research, education, and extension projects in the food and agricultural sciences. The Sustainable Agricultural Systems (SAS) Request for Applications (RFA) aims to transform the U.S. food and agricultural system to increase agricultural production while reducing its environmental footprint.

The RFA seeks to address challenges within the context of economic, societal, and environmental attributes of sustainability.

Grant Details
The AFRI SAS RFA solicits visionary integrated research, extension, and education projects that use transdisciplinary, systems approaches to promote the blending of science, technology, and societal considerations to solve challenges to current and future food and agricultural systems.

The specific goals addressed in this RFA include Climate-Smart Agriculture and Forestry (CSAF), Strengthening the Bioeconomy, and Nutrition Security.

Projects must use a systems approach that applies rapidly advancing science and technologies to ensure the economic, environmental, and social well-being goals of sustainable agriculture.

Eligibility Requirements
The AFRI SAS RFA is open to integrated projects only (must include Research, Education, and Extension components within the project).

Applicants are encouraged to engage diverse communities and have broad impacts through research, education, extension, and integrated activities to address current and future challenges. NIFA encourages applications that engage diverse communities and have broad impacts through research, education, extension, and integrated activities to address current and future challenges.

Period of Performance
The grant duration is up to 60 months with an anticipated number of awards being 8.

The letter of intent deadline is April 13, 2023, while the application deadline is July 13, 2023.

Grant Value
The amount available for new grants in this FY 2023 AFRI SAS RFA is approximately $80 million for awards of up to $10 million each.


Category of Funding
Funding Instruments
Grant Category
Cost Sharing / Matching Requirement
On 2/17/23 the National Institute of Food and Agriculture posted grant opportunity USDA-NIFA-AFRI-009802 for Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Sustainable Agricultural Systems with funding of $80.0 million. The grant will be issued under grant program 10.310 Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI).


Posted Date
Feb. 17, 2023, 12:00 a.m. EST
Closing Date
July 13, 2023, 12:00 a.m. EDT Past Due
Last Updated
Feb. 17, 2023, 3:22 p.m. EST
Archive Date
Aug. 12, 2023


Eligible Applicants
Others (see text field entitled "Additional Information on Eligibility" for clarification)
Additional Info
Eligibility Requirements Applicants for the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) Sustainable Agricultural Systems (SAS) RFA must meet all the requirements discussed in this RFA. Failure to meet the eligibility criteria by the application deadline may result in exclusion from consideration or, preclude NIFA from making an award. For those new to Federal financial assistance, NIFA’s Grants Overview provides highly recommended information about grants and other resources to help understand the Federal awards process. 1. Integrated Projects Eligible applicants for Integrated Projects include: a) colleges and universities; b) 1994 Land-Grant Institutions; and c) Hispanic-serving agricultural colleges and universities (see NIFA's Hispanic-Serving Agricultural Colleges and Universities page). For item a) under Integrated Projects, the terms "college" and "university" mean an educational institution in any state which i) admits as regular students only persons having a certificate of graduation from a school providing secondary education, or the recognized equivalent of such a certificate; ii) is legally authorized within such state to provide a program of education beyond secondary education; iii) provides an educational program for which a bachelor’s degree or any other higher degree is awarded; iv) is a public or other nonprofit institution; and v) is accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency or association. A research foundation maintained by a college or university is eligible to receive an award under this program. 2. Food and Agricultural Science Enhancement Grants Part II § C.2 of this RFA contains the eligibility details for Food and Agricultural Science Enhancement (FASE) Grants. Note that under FASE program, Strengthening Coordinated Agricultural Project and Strengthening Standard Grants are solicited in this RFA. Applicants must respond to the program area priorities and deadlines found in Part I § C of this RFA. Grant recipients may subcontract to organizations not eligible to apply provided such organizations are necessary for the conduct of the project. Failure to meet an eligibility criterion by the application deadline may result in the application being excluded from consideration or, even though an application may be reviewed, will preclude NIFA from making an award (see Part III § B). Duplicate or Multiple Submissions – submission of duplicate or predominantly overlapping applications is not allowed. NIFA will disqualify both applications if an applicant submits multiple applications that are duplicative or substantially overlapping to NIFA programs within the same fiscal year. For those new to Federal financial assistance, NIFA’s Grants Overview provides highly recommended information about grants and other resources to help understand the Federal awards process.

Award Sizing

Not Listed
Estimated Program Funding
Estimated Number of Grants
Not Listed


Joseph Perez Program Analyst
Email Description
If you have any questions related to preparing application content.
Contact Phone
(202) 445-5402
Additional Information
Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Sustainable Agricultural Systems


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