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Posted: April 14, 2023 • Type: .pdf • Size: 0.48MB


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Statement of Work (SOW) for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Secure, Performant, Reliable, and User-Centered Experiences (SPRUCE) Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract vehicle. The objective of the SOW is to provide VA with streamlined access to exceptional companies specializing in the development of digital services using modern technologies.

The SOW outlines specific goals for SPRUCE, including promoting rapid delivery, scaling success from previous contracts, and ensuring VA's rapid adoption of commercial technology and design-industry best practices. The document also highlights the scope of the SPRUCE IDIQ contract vehicle, applicable documents that the contractor must comply with, and detailed development methodologies required for expert teams delivering digital solutions in support of VA's strategic mission and objectives. Additionally, it emphasizes the contractor's responsibilities to deliver high-quality, usable products following the Digital Services Playbook, cultivate positive working relationships, participate in communities of practice activities, incorporate agile practices into work, measure and improve performance against DevOps research and assessment metrics, and follow various design and development best practices.

The SOW specifically focuses on the objectives and requirements for the SPRUCE IDIQ contract vehicle. It details the specific goals of SPRUCE, such as providing streamlined access to exceptional companies specializing in digital services using modern technologies and promoting rapid delivery while applying private sector best practices. The document also outlines the scope of the contract vehicle, including applicable documents that contractors must comply with. Furthermore, it provides detailed development methodologies required for expert teams delivering digital solutions in support of VA's strategic mission and objectives. The SOW emphasizes adherence to the Digital Services Playbook, positive working relationships with government employees and other vendors, participation in communities of practice activities, incorporation of agile practices into work, measurement and improvement against DevOps research and assessment metrics, as well as adherence to various design and development best practices.

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