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PTU Industry Day Brief.pdf

Posted: Nov. 3, 2020 • Type: .pdf • Size: 0.21MB


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This Industry Day Brief pertains to the Physical Training Uniform (PTU) program managed by the Marine Corps Systems Command. The Program Manager for Infantry Combat Equipment is soliciting industry input for the design modification of the General Purpose Trunks and Olive Drab Synthetic Undershirts.

Key milestones for the program are outlined as follows:
- Release of the Request for Proposal in 1QFY21
- Contract award in 2QFY21
- Testing/Limited User Evaluation in 4QFY21
- Finalizing design specifications by 2QFY22

The PTU is defined as a stand-alone uniform with performance fabric capabilities, gender-neutral, and designated for garrison use exclusively.

Information sought from industry participants includes:
- Manufacturing capabilities
- Business size
- Berry compliance
- Design details
- Existing contracts
- Materials/construction methods

Queries related to the solicitation must be submitted by 1:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time on October 29, 2020, for responses via

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