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Hemisphere Industry Day Brief (As Presented).pptx

Posted: April 11, 2023 • Type: .pptx • Size: 3.15MB


presentation from an industry day event related to the PEO Professional Services acquisition for Hemisphere. The event took place from February 28 to March 2, 2023. Key personnel involved include Maj Elizabeth Simkus, Ms. Melanie Gipson, and Capt Emerald Meredith. The purpose of the event was to provide an overview of the acquisition contract, receive feedback from industry participants, and answer questions. The document outlines ground rules for participation, submission of questions, one-on-one sessions, and the agenda which includes sessions on services acquisition brief, group Q&A, and one-on-one meetings.

Additionally, the document details the program structure including Space Domain Awareness and Combat Power (SDACP) and Battle Management Command, Control & Communications (BMC3). It highlights key support requirements such as providing professional services and subject matter expertise, as well as facilities requirements like classified space and digital engineering collaboration space. The acquisition strategy involves a MAC IDIQ contract with multiple task orders and a streamlined ordering process.

The timeline includes milestones like RFI release, industry day, draft RFP release in May 2023, proposals due in September 2023, and contract award in December 2023. Small business considerations and security requirements are also addressed in the presentation.

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