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FY23 CTP NOFO FINAL 508a.pdf

Posted: April 26, 2023 • Type: .pdf • Size: 0.7MB


The document is a notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) for the Fiscal Year 2023 Cooperating Technical Partners (CTP) program issued by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)/Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration (FIMA). The program aims to strengthen and enhance the effectiveness of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) by identifying flood risks, reducing flood losses, and promoting community resilience. It supports federal, state, tribal, territorial, regional, and local partnerships to achieve these goals. The funding opportunity offers $95,000,000 with a projected number of 130 awards. The application submission deadline is on June 5, 2023, at 5:00:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time. The program is classified as a Justice40 "covered program" under the President's Justice40 initiative, aiming to ensure that 40 percent of the overall benefits of certain federal investments flow to disadvantaged communities.

The NOFO provides detailed information on eligibility criteria, application submission requirements, evaluation criteria, federal award administration information, contact information for DHS awarding agencies, and additional provisions such as termination provisions, program evaluation, period of performance extensions, disability integration, conflicts of interest in the administration of federal awards or subawards, procurement integrity, record retention, actions to address noncompliance, audits, payment information, and whole community preparedness. Additionally, it outlines the program's objectives to support FEMA's flood hazard identification and risk assessment programs through Risk MAP and its alignment with environmental justice objectives outlined in the President's Justice40 initiative. The document emphasizes the importance of engaging local communities throughout the process and sharing ownership of products to effectively communicate and reduce risk from flooding and other hazards across the United States.

This NOFO presents a comprehensive opportunity for entities to participate in the CTP program and contribute to strengthening national preparedness and resilience in addressing flood risks and promoting community resilience.

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