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DHS DCCO Industry Day Presentation March 2020.pdf

Posted: March 13, 2020 • Type: .pdf • Size: 0.78MB


Industry Day Presentation: DHS Office of Procurement Operations hosted an industry day presentation on Data Center and Cloud Optimization (DCCO) on March 10, 2020. The presentation included key speakers such as David Ritter, Soraya Correa, Elizabeth Cappello, Ruth Shearer, Bill Lewis, Dr. Mark Lucas, Kim Ellmore, Patrick Nemeth, Rich Clark, and Breean Jaroski.

The agenda covered topics like:
- Data Center Optimization Approach
- Market Research Results
- DCCO Overview
- Scope Summary
- Current Purchasing Profile
- Component Perspective from OBIM and ICE
- Acquisition Next Steps.

Key takeaways from the presentation included insights into the optimization and consolidation of data centers within DHS. Market research findings emphasized the importance of virtualization and cloud migration tailored to specific needs. A detailed scope summary outlined business objectives such as improving purchasing value and scalability.

Additionally, the presentation highlighted the current purchasing profile for DC1 services including XaaS categories and professional services. The component perspectives from OBIM and ICE shed light on their cloud migration strategies and challenges faced during the transition process.

Finally, the acquisition next steps emphasized the importance of communication between DHS and industry partners following the Industry Day presentation.

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