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CJD Elevators Replacement Industry Day Presentation.pdf

Posted: Dec. 7, 2023 • Type: .pdf • Size: 3.04MB


industry day presentation for the Chief Joseph Dam regarding the overview of hydraulic and electric elevator replacement. The presentation outlines the agenda, including topics such as the history and project overview of the powerhouse electric elevator, as well as details about the existing elevator's servicing, access points, and necessary replacements. It also covers specific aspects of the electric traction elevator replacement, such as adding a pressurization system, increasing elevator speed, and renovating the machine room.

Furthermore, the presentation delves into the details of the hydraulic elevator replacement project, discussing its history, operational issues, and constraints. It provides information on the elevator's structure, support systems, cab framing, and machine room configuration. The document highlights opportunities for disassembling and reassembling components for replacement or modification to improve operational efficiency and safety at Chief Joseph Dam.

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