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CISA NRMC Industry Day-Main Event May2023.pdf

Posted: May 30, 2023 • Type: .pdf • Size: 1.6MB


Industry Day Presentation: CISA NRMC Industry Day Main Event May 2023

The document outlines the virtual Industry Day hosted by the Office of the Chief Acquisition Executive (OCAE) of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). It emphasizes that information shared during the event is for informational purposes only and does not obligate CISA to purchase any items or services discussed.

The agenda includes sessions on opening remarks, organization overviews, Risk Services Division priorities, and capabilities. Key speakers include Monique Park, Christian Van Ginder, Sarah Ellis, and George Bamford.

Additionally, the document highlights NRMC's top initiatives such as identifying systemically important entities, election security, ICT supply chain risk management, connected communities, and space systems. It emphasizes the importance of securing critical infrastructure through partnerships and analysis. The presentation also discusses the concept of security-by-design in technology products to reduce exploitable flaws and ensure products are secure by default. The document provides links for further engagement with CISA and upcoming Industry Day events for Integrated Operations Division (IOD) and Cybersecurity Division (CSD).

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