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Batch 1-CIC4 Industry Day Questions and Answers v5 Aug.25.pdf

Posted: Aug. 25, 2020 • Type: .pdf • Size: 0.15MB


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compilation of questions and answers from the Cyber Innovation Challenge (CIC #4) Industry Day conducted on August 19, 2020.

Some key points include clarification that companies missing the CyberFlag exercise for 2020 are still encouraged to get involved in CIC 4. The document also confirms that the United States Cyber Command (USCC) J7 speakers were LTC Gabrielle Bryant-Butler and COL Tanya Trout.

It mentions that the evaluation criteria are not in order of precedence and are not equally weighted. Additionally, it states that multiple events can run simultaneously within the PCTE platform, and proposed solutions should demonstrate operational relevancy without being judged against a specific Technology Readiness Level (TRL).

The document also addresses questions related to training plans, assessment plans, integration with the National Cyber Range Complex, security clearances, and the use of products from certain countries within proposed solutions.

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