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Attachment 1 2023 FAA FAST Modernization Industry Day - Follow up Questions .pdf

Posted: Aug. 18, 2023 • Type: .pdf • Size: 0.18MB


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follow-up to the 2023 FAA FAST Modernization Industry Day, containing a series of detailed questions posed by the FAA to industry vendors. The questions aim to gather additional information to refine estimates and the Statement of Work (SOW) for the project. Key inquiries include identifying potential conflicts or ambiguities in the draft SOW, exploring cost drivers and efficient alternatives, considering phased development approaches aligned with fast modernization objectives, and evaluating content management system technologies for managing AMS content at a granular level.

Vendors are also asked about capabilities related to collaboration, version control, analytics for the public FAST website, advanced search functionalities, and post-development customer service/system support requirements. Additionally, vendors are requested to provide estimates of potential costs, FTE count, and timelines for various task areas related to the project.

This document serves as a crucial communication tool between the FAA and industry vendors participating in the FAST Modernization project. It outlines specific areas where vendors are expected to provide detailed insights and recommendations to enhance project planning and implementation. The questions cover a wide range of topics such as system requirements, development approaches, technology capabilities, user analytics, and post-deployment support needs. Vendors' responses to these questions will play a vital role in formulating the business case and advancing towards the procurement phase of the project.

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