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WAPA DSW: Cultural Resources Class I & III Inventory Support - Oracle to Tucson

ID: RFQ1682113 • Alt ID: 24WA151088 • Type: Solicitation


Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) Desert Southwest Region (DSW) is seeking a qualified contractor to conduct up to seven types of cultural services, including Class I and Class III inventories, in support of evaluating cultural sites within WAPA's right-of-way (ROW) and access roads along the Oracle-Tucson (ORC-TUC) 116-kV transmission line. Work shall be conducted in accordance with the attached Project Work Statement (PWS) and other attached supporting documentation. Vendors shall submit price quotes and other information as requested in the Notice to Offerors, which will be used to make a technical acceptability determination. One task order award is anticipated to the lowest-priced technically acceptable (LPTA) offer.
The Western Area Power Administration (WAPA) Desert Southwest Region (DSW) is seeking a qualified contractor to conduct cultural services in support of evaluating cultural sites along the Oracle-Tucson (ORC-TUC) 116-kV transmission line in Pima County, Arizona. The project is part of the Oracle to Tucson 116-kV Transmission Line Rebuild Project and aims to comply with environmental laws and regulations, including the Archaeological Resources Protection Act, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), and applicable State Laws. The contractor will be responsible for obtaining permits, conducting Class I and Class III reviews, recording sites, developing maps and shapefiles, answering specific questions for each site, attending meetings, conducting NHPA consultation, and abiding by regulations and policies. The contract period of performance is from the date of award to July 1, 2024, with work taking place in Pima County along the ORC-TUC transmission line.


Response Deadline
March 10, 2024 (original: March 11, 2024) Past Due
March 1, 2024
Set Aside
Small Business (SBA)
Place of Performance
Not Provided

Current SBA Size Standard
$19 Million
Evaluation Criteria
Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (LPTA)
Est. Level of Competition
On 2/29/24 Department of Energy issued Solicitation RFQ1682113 for WAPA DSW: Cultural Resources Class I & III Inventory Support - Oracle to Tucson due 3/10/24. The opportunity was issued with a Small Business (SBA) set aside with NAICS 541620 (SBA Size Standard $19 Million) and PSC F999.
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