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USAID/Burma Diversity and Inclusion Scholarship Program (DISP)   3

ID: 72048223R00002 • Type: Synopsis Solicitation


Posted: March 29, 2023, 6:58 a.m. EDT

The purpose of this Amendment is:
1) to respond to the remaining questions received regarding the solicitation as detailed in Attachment 1 Questions and Answers;

2) to revise Section F.6 Reports and Deliverables, as follows and detailed in Attachment 2 RFP No. 72048223R00002_DISP_Amendment 0002_track changes:
2.1) In F.6.b Rapid Education and Risk Analysis (RERA), AMEND delivery due date from "Within 30 calendar days" to "Within 60 calendar days after the period of performance start date";
2.2) In F.6.c Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI) Analysis, AMEND delivery due date from "Within 30 calendar days" to "Within 75 calendar days after the period of performance start date"; and
2.3) In F.6.d Inclusive Development Action Plan, AMEND delivery due date from "Within 45 calendar days" to "Within 90 calendar days after the period of performance start date."

Amendment 1


The purpose of this Amendment is:
1) to respond to the questions received regarding the solicitation as detailed in Attachment 1 Questions and Answers;
2) to revise Section C as follows and detailed in Attachment 2 RFP No. 72048223R00002_DISP_Amendment 0001_track changes:
2.1) In Section C.1 INTRODUCTION, ADD the following paragraph:

"DISP will only support in-person regional scholarships in the six countries listed above. However, USAID recognizes the need to provide greater flexibility for potential scholars who may not be able to travel due to security considerations or travel restrictions. For virtual/distance learning, the Contractor may work with other HEIs in the Asia region, not limited to the six in-person scholarship countries. DISP may also support virtual/distance HE learning from existing distance and bridging programs developed and/or implemented by U.S. and European HEIs and NGOs. Leaving flexibility to work virtually with multiple sources of HE curriculum and programming will increase DISP's ability to reach the most vulnerable target beneficiaries.";
2.2) in Section C.4 SCOPE OF WORK, REVISE as follows:

"While USAID/Burma's ongoing Lincoln Scholarship Program will continue sponsoring students to attend U.S. universities, under the new DISP Activity, USAID will expand its investment in Burma's youth in two ways: (1) by supporting in-person HE scholarships for degree or certificate programs in the Asia region in selected USAID-presence countries (Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Thailand) and virtual/distance education from other international HEIs; and (2) by supporting targeted post-secondary vocational or academic courses within Burma or regionally along with funding to strengthen basic education under GUCs. The Activity will follow good practices identified in USAID's Higher Education Scholarship Toolkit.";
2.3) in C.4.b. 1) Target beneficiaries and fields of study, DELETE first sentence and REPLACE with:
"Target beneficiaries will primarily be youth up to the age of 40 years old. However, because many individuals in Burma have been forced to delay their higher education, older candidates may be considered on a case-by-case basis, especially for students seeking a terminal degree (PhD, Doctorate, etc.) for a discipline or a postdoctoral fellowship."; and

2.4) in C.4.b. 2) Outreach, recruitment, and selection of candidates, INCLUDE the following sentence.
"On rare occasions, if Contractor budget resources permit, USAID may direct the Contractor to place a scholar at risk or student at a U.S. HEI to complete their studies if they have satisfied all requirements to be admitted into an academic program."

3) To revise J.1_Budget Narrative Template as follows and detailed in Attachment 3_J.1 Budget Narrative Template.
3.1) Section VII. Travel, D. Proposed Other Travel Costs, DELETE typo error of "8" in the table and

3.2) Section X. Subcontracts, CORRECT error of "Part 5" to "Part 4" in third paragraph.


Original RFP


The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)/Burma Mission is seeking proposals from qualified organizations interested in providing services as described in the attached solicitation.
This competitive procurement will be conducted through full and open competition. This competition will utilize a Highest Technical Rated with Fair and Reasonable Price and Realistic Cost (HTR) process, not a tradeoff process. In this process, USAID is concerned with getting the best technical solution that has a fair and reasonable price and realistic cost. There will not be a tradeoff to justify paying a premium for a higher technical rated proposal.
All types of organizations (large or small commercial for-profit firms, educational institutions, and non-profit organizations) meeting USAID source and nationality geographic code 937 are eligible to compete. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code for this action is 541611 Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services.
USAID encourages the participation to the maximum extent possible of small business concerns, small disadvantaged business concerns and women-owned small business concerns in this activity as a prime contractor or as a subcontractor, in accordance with Part 19 of the FAR.
USAID/Burma intends to award a Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee (CPFF) Completion type contract for five years with a total estimated cost between $43,000,000 to $48,000,000. Revealing the estimated cost for the contract does not mean that Offerors should necessarily strive to meet the maximum amount estimated. Offerors must propose costs that they believe are realistic and reasonable for the work described in their proposal.

Posted: March 16, 2023, 4:39 a.m. EDT
Posted: Feb. 21, 2023, 5:38 a.m. EST
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)/Burma Mission is seeking proposals from qualified organizations interested in providing services as described in the attached solicitation. This competitive procurement will be conducted through full and open competition. The estimated cost for the contract is between $43,000,000 to $48,000,000. The purpose of the USAID/Burma Diversity and Inclusion Scholarship Program Activity is to support current and future community leaders of Burma, particularly those from vulnerable groups, to gain access to quality higher education (HE) learning opportunities by offering regional and local HE scholarships and a variety of higher education opportunities via multi-modalities that strengthen the HE landscape.

Work Details
The purpose of this Amendment is to respond to the remaining questions received regarding the solicitation as detailed in Attachment 1 Questions and Answers; to revise Section F.6 Reports and Deliverables, as follows: 2.1) In F.6.b Rapid Education and Risk Analysis (RERA), AMEND delivery due date from 'Within 30 calendar days' to 'Within 60 calendar days after the period of performance start date';
2.2) In F.6.c Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI) Analysis, AMEND delivery due date from 'Within 30 calendar days' to 'Within 75 calendar days after the period of performance start date'; and
2.3) In F.6.d Inclusive Development Action Plan, AMEND delivery due date from 'Within 45 calendar days' to 'Within 90 calendar days after the period of performance start date.'

Period of Performance
The contract will be performed over a period of five years with a total estimated cost between $43,000,000 to $48,000,000.

Place of Performance
The geographic location(s) where the contract will be performed are not explicitly mentioned in the provided text.


Response Deadline
April 17, 2023, 7:30 a.m. EDT Past Due
Feb. 21, 2023, 5:38 a.m. EST (updated: March 29, 2023, 6:58 a.m. EDT)
Set Aside
Place of Performance

Current SBA Size Standard
$24.5 Million
Cost Plus Fixed Fee
Est. Level of Competition
On 2/21/23 U.S. Mission to Burma issued Synopsis Solicitation 72048223R00002 for USAID/Burma Diversity and Inclusion Scholarship Program (DISP) due 4/17/23. The opportunity was issued full & open with NAICS 541611 and PSC R499.
Primary Contact
Elizabeth M. Colarik   Profile

Secondary Contact

Thu Ya Soe   Profile


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May 2, 2023