Search Contract Opportunities

USACE - Scheduler Support - MRAS

ID: RFQ1677895 • Alt ID: R_G1iH4qpXSlrTqrL • Type: Solicitation


On behalf of Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), GSA is conducting market research. To respond to this RFI, copy and paste the below link into a new browser. Only responses submitted through the linked RFI will be accepted. Nothing else will be evaluated or recorded (this includes selecting 'interested' within eBuy). Link to RFI: Note: If the link does not work, try clearing your browser history (cache) and then copying and pasting the link into a new browser. Any questions regarding this RFI will be responded to by email only. Send your inquiry to: - be sure to include the RFQ number.
Opportunity 1: Scheduler Support to Seattle District, Corps of Engineers

Purchase Agency: Seattle District, Corps of Engineers

The Seattle District of the Corps of Engineers is seeking two Consultants to provide scheduler support on a full-time basis. The purpose of this contract is to assist project managers in developing, maintaining, and updating project schedules and budgets in the Corps Project Management System (PROMIS). The Consultants will also be responsible for ensuring data quality in PROMIS and providing training and mentoring to new Government schedulers.

The work to be acquired includes initiating new projects in PROMIS, developing work breakdown structures, creating and maintaining project baselines, monthly statusing for program reporting purposes, and reviewing PROMIS data quality. The Consultants will also provide training to new Federal employees on an ad hoc or semi-formal basis.

The timeframe of the acquisition is not specified in the summary. However, it is mentioned that Consultants will be available full time during Seattle District office hours, which are from 0600 - 1700 Mondays through Fridays.

The place of performance/delivery is primarily the Seattle District Office located at 4735 East Marginal Way South, Building 1202, Seattle WA 98134. However, work can also be performed remotely from the Consultant's location.

Notable conditions affecting the work include the availability of unsecured parking across East Marginal Way from Building 1201 for personnel without parking passes. The office hours are from 0600 - 1700 Mondays through Fridays, with core hours from 0930 - 1430 Pacific Time. The summary also mentions that employees have liberal telework on Mondays and Fridays.

Opportunity 2: Security Requirements

Purchase Agency: Not specified

This opportunity outlines the security requirements that apply to all contract personnel supporting the performance requirements of a contract. It covers various aspects such as initial security training, compliance with Force Protection Condition (FPCON) measures, Random Antiterrorism Measures (RAMs), and Health Protection Condition (HPCON) measures. The summary also mentions the need for contract personnel to comply with access control procedures, search procedures, and personal identity verification requirements.

The summary further explains that contract personnel requiring physical access to a DoD installation or facility must comply with the access control procedures of that location. It also mentions the issuance of a common access card (CAC) to contract personnel who require physical access to a DoD facility and access to DoD information systems or networks. The security requirements emphasize compliance with applicable RA plans and procedures, as well as coordination with the Government representative for escorted access.

Overall, this opportunity highlights the importance of security compliance for contract personnel and provides guidance on the necessary steps and requirements to ensure adherence to security protocols.


This opportunity outlines the payment terms for Consultant Labor under the contract. Consultants will be paid monthly based on billable hours at the contract schedule rate. To facilitate payment, Consultants are required to submit a log identifying hours worked on each project supported, along with the date work was performed and a brief summary of the work performed. Hours billed are subject to verification with the Consultant's calendar in Outlook.

In addition to labor payment, travel costs will also be reimbursed based on actual costs subject to Joint Travel Regulations. Consultants are required to submit travel vouchers in DD-1351 format along with receipts for expenses over $15.00.

These payment terms ensure transparency and accountability in billing for services rendered by the Consultants and provide guidelines for reimbursement of travel expenses incurred during the performance of the contract.


Response Deadline
Feb. 14, 2024 Past Due
Feb. 7, 2024
Set Aside
Place of Performance
Not Provided

Est. Level of Competition
Signs of Shaping
The solicitation is open for 8 days, below average for the General Services Administration.
On 2/6/24 General Services Administration issued Solicitation RFQ1677895 for USACE - Scheduler Support - MRAS due 2/14/24.


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