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Soil testing for pre-construction site selection

ID: RFQ1682350 • Type: Solicitation


This is a Request For Information (RFI)only. This RFI does not commit the Government to a contract or an agreement for any supply or service. The issuance of this RFI does not obligate or restrict the Government to an eventual acquisition approach, nor does it obligate the Government to issue a solicitation. Respondents are responsible for all expenses associated with responding to this RFI. The Government will not provide any form of compensation or reimbursement for the information provided. No contract or other binding instrument will occur because of this RFI. The Military Construction (MILCON) project pre-construction site selection process requires the installation to consider the impact of recognized environmental conditions on the MILCON project. Army Regulation 4201; Army Facilities Management requires that installation provide a clean site for construction. Army Regulation AR200-1 Environmental Protection and Enhancement section 15-6 describes the process by which MILCON project sites are categorized as either Category I, II, or III. (1) Category I - There is no reason to expect contamination will be encountered during the construction. (2) Category II - There is no known contamination, there remains some potential that contamination may be encountered during construction. (3) Category III - The site is known to be contaminated or there is strong suspicion contamination will be encountered during construction. Site categorizations will be completed in accordance with one or more of the following standards: (1) ASTM D600896: Standard Practice for Conducting Environmental Baseline Surveys. (2) ASTM E152700: Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Site Assessment Process. (3) ASTM E190397: Environmental Site Assessments: Phase II Site Assessment Process. MILCON Project Description This project will construct a commercial vehicle access control point (ACP) off General Greene Avenue at the Natick Soldier Systems Center (NSSC) as shown on the attached figure. Historic sampling results for soil and groundwater in/around the project location indicate that while no contamination has been detected, historic sampling is not adequate to completely clear the area and therefore Category II has been determined to be applicable to the project site. Project includes a search office, commercial truck inspection canopy with two lanes, a combined overwatch and control/control building, and a new guard booth facility. Primary facilities will be designed in conjunction with the Center of Standardization (COS) for Access Control Points and its standard design requirements. Further the facilities will design to a minimum of 40 years in accordance with DOD's Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC 1-200-02) including energy efficiencies, building envelope and integrated building systems, heating and air conditioning, and energy monitoring control systems (EMCS). Supporting facilities include roadways, facility lighting, passive and active vehicle barriers with comprehensive control systems, and a standby generator with automatic transfer switch. Project also includes site development, utilities and connections, paving, walkways, curb and gutters, storm drainage, information systems, landscaping, and signage. As part of the information systems, the Project will include an intrusion detection system (IDS), address automated installation entry (AIE), closed circuit television (CCTV), a complete barrier system with controls, and an overspeed detection system. The information systems requirement will be coordinated with the Installation, COS, and the Protective Design Center (PDC) to ensure standards are met. A copy of the 65% design documentation describing the project area bounds as well as proposed excavation depths for certain features is attached for reference. The 65% design estimates that the project construction area will be excavated to a depth approximately three feet below existing grade and the area shown on the figure as the stormwater infiltration basin will be excavated to a depth of approximately 9-11 feet below ground surface. An estimated volume of 3,500 cubic yards of excess soil is expected to be generated during the project most or all of which will require off-site disposal. Sampling and analysis of the soil shall include a sufficient number of samples and appropriate analytical parameters to facilitate off-site disposal using COMM-97 disposal parameters as well as to guide the excavation contractor on the need for health and safety protection for workers. CLIN 1 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment The purpose of a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I ESA) is to assess the within the boundaries of the MILCON project for Recognized Environmental Conditions as defined in ASTM E1527-00 and, if deemed necessary, design a sampling program in accordance with ASTM E1903-97 sufficient to assess the soil and/or groundwater for presence of contamination. In addition to the standard list of references to be reviewed as described in ASTM 1527-00, contractor shall also coordinate with the Installation CERCLA program manager to identify and review all relevant site assessment and/or sampling reports for assessments or cleanup on or near the MILCON project site area to assess the potential that existing environmental sampling data or other records reviewed in this phase might constitute Recognized Environmental Conditions and require further (Phase II) assessment. Installation Environmental Office may, based on known site history or other factors, choose to proceed directoy to a Phase II Site Investigation. CLIN 2 Phase II Environmental Site Investigation / Field Investigation (Optional CLIN) If the conclusion reached during the Phase I ESA is that further investigation is require, contractor shall prepare a draft work plan for Phase II ESA site investigation in accordance with ASTM E190397 for review and approval by the MILCON Project manager and the Installation CERCLA Program Manager. The draft site investigation work plan shall be designed to assess the nature and extent of contamination within the MILCON project boundary, to provide data to prepare a plan for the health and safety of MILCON site construction workers and the public and to provide sufficient quality and quantity of sample data and the requisite laboratory analytical parameters to enable planning for proper off-site disposal of excess soil if required. Proposed environmental sampling locations shall be cleared by the contractor by calling DigSafe for privately-owned utilities as well as by meeting with the USAG-Natick DPW Chief of Engineering or designee to locate and mark Army-owned utilities. The draft work plan shall specify site investigation locations, methods, laboratory analytical parameters and data QA/QC procedures in sufficient detail to ensure that data collected will meet the objectives of the investigation. The draft work plan will specify a schedule for the site investigation, laboratory data analyses, and reporting that supports the proposed MILCON construction schedule. Following approval of the Draft Site Investigation Work Plan, contractor shall coordinate with the MILCON Project manager and the Installation CERCLA Program Manager, mobilize personnel and equipment and execute the approved Work Plan for the supplemental field investigation activities. The final product of the investigation will be a report that describes the investigation (locations, depths, methods, maps), data collected, laboratory analytical results (tabulated and laboratory data sheets) and a conclusion whether conditions at the MILCON construction site may require soil management for construction worker or public health and safety offsite disposal of excess soil. If the contractor believes that a reportable condition has been identified during the site investigation or in the laboratory analytical results, the contractor shall inform the MILCON Project Manager and the installation CERCLA Program Manager in a timely manner in accordance with applicable regulations such that installation personnel may make the notification in compliance with regulatory deadlines. Deliverables: Upon completion of the investigation, contractor shall provide a report prepared in accordance with ASTM E152700: Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Site Assessment Process (if applicable) and/or ASTM E190397: Environmental Site Assessments: Phase II Site Assessment Process as well as a data table and report of any and all environmental sampling and laboratory analyses sufficient number, location and data quality to support the off-site disposal of planned quantity of excess soils for COMM-97 disposal parameters or other relevant parameters if determined during the subsurface investigation.


Response Deadline
March 7, 2024 Past Due
March 4, 2024
Set Aside
Small Business (SBA)
Place of Performance
Not Provided

Current SBA Size Standard
$25 Million
Likely Fixed Price
Est. Level of Competition
Signs of Shaping
The solicitation is open for 4 days, below average for the Department of the Army.
On 3/3/24 Department of the Army issued Solicitation RFQ1682350 for Soil testing for pre-construction site selection due 3/7/24. The opportunity was issued with a Small Business (SBA) set aside with NAICS 562910 (SBA Size Standard $25 Million) and PSC F999.
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