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Security Support Services

ID: FA8240-19-R-3501 • Type: Sources Sought
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Posted: June 12, 2019, 1:51 p.m. EDT
The USAF asks for your feedback on the attached unclassified draft Section L and M. The attached documents include the draft Cost/Price portion of Section L.

Due to overwhelming interest in this posting, the Government will make the following adjustments to its SSS Industry Day:

The USAF team will be in the National Capital Region on 09 July 2019 for an Industry Day general session. In addition, the USAF is available to meet for a break out session during the week. These two (2) meetings are for potential prime contractors only.

The date to request attendance to the Industry Day closed on 11 June 2019; however, interested subcontractors may still submit information to the Contracting Officer to be included on the Industry Day briefing. Please limit your company data to 3 pages. Subcontractor submittals are due 26 June 20109.

The Government will provide further details concerning the Industry Day directly to those prime contractors who requested attendance by 11 June.

***Note: Please DO NOT call, email, Cc..., or otherwise contact Ms. Angela Ivey concerning this posting. All correpondence should go through the Contracting Officer.

Posted: May 31, 2019, 2:05 p.m. EDT
Posted: May 29, 2019, 6:17 p.m. EDT

Nomenclature (FA8240-19-R-3501): USAF Security Support Services
Procurement Type: Sources Sought
Date: 29 May 2019
Title: Special Access Program (SAP) Security Support Services (SSS)
PSC: R449 - Other Professional Services
NAICS Code: 541690 - Other Scientific and Technical Services
Size Standard: $15M
Reference RFI - FA8240-15-R-3501
This announcement constitutes a DRAFT Request for Proposal (RFP) as preliminarily research to identify interested sources that possess the requisite qualifications capable of meeting United States Air Force (USAF) program requirements. This posting is strictly for planning purposes, and is neither a request for proposal nor an invitation for bid; no solicitation is available at this time. The Government may, or may not, reply to resultant questions or inquires by interested sources in response to this notice. There will be no reimbursement by the Government for information provided by interested source in response to this notice; as stipulated in FAR 15.201(e), responses to this notice are not considered offers and cannot be accepted by the Government to form a binding contract. Subsequent notices may or may not be posted on Federal Business Opportunities (

In accordance with FAR 52.215-3 (below listed), this solicitation is protected pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act and other laws and regulations. Information identified by a respondent as "Proprietary" will not be disclosed outside of Government channels. Information not specifically identified as proprietary or confidential will be shared with all interested parties. The contemplated North American Industry Classification Systems (NAICS) code is 541690. It has been determined that this acquisition will be an unrestricted set-aside. Small businesses that meet the minimum requirements are still encouraged to participate in this acquisition (prime, subcontractor, team, etc.).

FAR Provision 52.215-3 -- Request for Information or Solicitation for Planning Purposes:
"Request for Information or Solicitation for Planning Purposes (Oct 1997)
(a) The Government does not intend to award a contract on the basis of this solicitation or to otherwise pay for the information solicited except as an allowable cost under other contracts as provided in subsection 31.205-18, Bid and proposal costs, of the Federal Acquisition Regulation.
(b) Although "proposal" and "offeror" are used in this solicitation, your response will be treated as information only. It shall not be used as a proposal.
(c) This solicitation is issued for the purpose of providing RFP information. The Government requests your comments on the attached draft documents.
(End of Provision)"


The USAF is developing an acquisition strategy for a follow-on contract of non-commercial and professional services for Special Access Program (SAP) security support. All available strategy options, contract types/structure, and pricing arrangements are being assessed to include a potential contract-term of up to ten (10) years in length. At this time a multiple award, Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract award is anticipated, with performance targeted to begin no later than 15 March 2021.

The attachments are unclassified only. The full documents and/or addendums are not available due to the classification level. The classified documents will be provided at a later time to those companies who meet the security requirements.

The attached draft solicitation does not contain cost/pricing information nor evaluation criteria within Section L and Section M. The USAF anticipates the draft cost/price information will be released on or before 05 June 2019.

Providing multi-disciplinary security support, including cyber security, to all Air Force SAP programs. Positions may include special certification requirements. Positions are anticipated to be full time positions unless notified otherwise, with surge support and overtime contemplated/approved by the Government on a case-by-case basis. In addition, the contractor shall provide a pro-active management structure that shall identify cost saving opportunities within the community and assist with implementation. Contractors must have capabilities (Recruitment/Retention/Corporate Capacity) to minimize position vacancies, or fulfill new positions in an expeditious manner, i.e. 45 days.

The preponderance of this requirement resides within the continental United States (CONUS); however, there are a number of positions located in a variety of countries outside the continental United States (OCONUS). Contractors should be familiar with stationing personnel in foreign countries. Nearly all positions will reside at Government facilities. Common Access Card (CAC) and other internal Government processes and training are required for employees to access Government facilities and computer systems. Travel frequency and duration varies widely based on position.

Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM)
IDIQ - As a ROM, the Government is providing notice that an annual number of Full Time Equivalent employees (irrespective of Program Management) may exceed 1000 FTEs, with an annual value potentially exceeding $450M. This effort is contemplated as an Air Force Enterprise contract, for which the contract value/number of FTEs/locations/skill-mix etc. may fluctuate over time (upward or downward). The total IDIQ ceiling is estimated at $4.5 billion.

No TO is anticipated to be less than $200M. No TO is anticipated to be less than 200 FTEs.


This solicitation communicates the USAF's SAP-SSS program requirements to industry, and provides notice of intent to conduct a follow-on acquisition to contract FA8240-15-C-3501.

The USAF plans to hold an Industry Day road show to discuss the draft RFP. The USAF team will be in the National Capital Region (NCR) from 24 June 2019 to 26 June 2019. Companies may request an individual meeting. Please RSVP by 11 June 2019. Companies shall provide a meeting location for this breakout Industry Day within the NCR (or other location upon request). Please provide the address when you RSVP. The intent of this Industry Day is to ensure your understanding of the draft RFP and to discuss the feedback received. The USAF will neither debate nor defend its RFP decisions.

Primarily, the Government is seeking interested offerors in a Prime Contractor capacity; secondarily, the Government will compile an Interested Parties List (IPL) to facilitate Teaming/Subcontracting/Socioeconomic Opportunities.


Due to the security classification of USAF program requirements associated with this announcement, interested sources are required to currently have access to an accredited USAF Special Access Program Facility (SAPF), and send/receive/store SAP information. Other facility types, such as Special Compartmented Information Facilities (SCIFs) or Defense Security Services (DSS) only facilities, will not be considered under this effort, nor is it the intent of the Government to stand up' any new USAF SAPFs, or to recertify previously existing SAPFs. Under no circumstances can a Government SAPF be utilized in any manner to meet this requirement. As a competitive solicitation may potentially result from this announcement, the importance of possessing an active, accredited USAF SAPF is initially required for purpose of transmitting additional program and proposal information between Government and interested/eligible sources. The provision of future information and related program requirements will be more fully defined in successive correspondence with eligible sources.

A USAF SAPF will also be required to perform work requirements under a resultant contract (in the event of award to your company). Government furnished facilities will not be offered/provided to perform work requirements associated with this requirement.

Please submit the names of your company, team, joint venture, or partnership that are planning to propose on the SSS requirements. This submittal is due by close of business 06 June 2019.

The source selection program security requirements have changed to better align with the SSS execution requirements. We are ready to submit your PARs for the SSS source selection. Please assess the names of individuals you are requesting to be briefed to the SSS source selection and resubmit those names to me so I can get the PARs submitted. This submittal is due by close of business 06 June 2019.

Once briefed you will need to get your ATO approved for your corporate source selection systems. Each Offeror (Company, Team, Joint Venture, or Partnership) will be given 8 program billets. An ATO will need to be completed for IT accreditation prior to RFP release.
Please submit a National Interest Determination if you are considering subcontracting with a foreign company. This submittal is due by close of business 06 June 2019.

The new Program Security Officer (PSO) for SSS is Angela Ivey. Ms. Ivey's contact information is:

Phone Number: 202-404-8971
Alternate Phone Number: 202-404-8946


Please provide a primary POC for your company, to include name, telephone number, email address. Additionally, please provide no more than a two-paragraph unclassified narrative of your interested performance capacity/capabilities/socioeconomic status/related past performance, etc. The Government intends to publish this information via an Industry Day, or other means, without edits. Providing this information for the purpose of the IPL is your consent and release to communicate via any medium to any/all parties.

It is within the sole discretion of the Government as to what extent/forum that any additional correspondence will be conducted with interested sources. The Government may or may not reply to resultant questions or inquires by interested sources in response to this notice. Voluminous responses/graphics/capabilities statements etc. are not requested, desired, or allowable.

The USAF asks for your feedback on the attached unclassified draft request for proposal (RFP) documents. Classified documents will be released upon completion of security requirements (i.e., PARs, ATO, etc.). Responses to the draft RFP are due to between 12:00 PM MDT to 4:00 PM MDT on 12 June 2019. Responses shall be addressed to the Contracting Officer. Feedback may be mailed or submitted via email to:

ATTN: Robert Maughan
RE: SSS Draft RFP Feedback
6082 Fir Ave., Bldg. 1232
Hill AFB, UT 84056

RFP Release 08 August 2019
Proposal Due Date 04 October 2019
Initial Evaluation Board (IEB) 06 January 2020
Source Selection Decision Briefing 10 August 2020
Contract Award Decision 13 August 2020
Contract Award 15 Dec 2020
Begin Transition 16 December 2020
Begin Full Performance 15 March 2021


The number of Task Orders and the breakout of work under those Task Orders will be discussed at a later date.

The USAF believes it has addressed all of your questions from the previous requests for information (RFIs), Industry Days, and email correspondences over the past year. Please let me know if we have overlooked anything you have sent and I will get you a response. If you have any questions regarding this letter or the Industry Day, please contact the Contracting Officer by email at Thank you again for your interest in the SSS source selection. I look forward to your continued feedback.


Response Deadline
June 26, 2019, 3:00 p.m. EDT (original: June 12, 2019, 3:00 p.m. EDT) Past Due
May 29, 2019, 6:17 p.m. EDT (updated: June 12, 2019, 1:51 p.m. EDT)
Set Aside
Place of Performance
Multiple locations across the United States. Contracting Officer is located at 6082 Fir Ave. Bldg. 1232 HILL AFB, UT 84404 USA

Current SBA Size Standard
$19 Million
Likely Fixed Price
Est. Level of Competition
Odds of Award
On 5/29/19 AFLCMC Hill AFB issued Sources Sought FA8240-19-R-3501 for Security Support Services due 6/26/19. The opportunity was issued full & open with NAICS 541690 and PSC R.
Primary Contact
Contracting Officer
Robert Maughan   Profile
(801) 586-6529


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Last Updated
July 11, 2019
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Archive Date
July 11, 2019