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RFI - Next-Generation Security Solutions

ID: RFI_NCIJTF • Type: Sources Sought


The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC)/HNJJ is requesting information on companies that can assist the AFMC Materiel Intelligence Enterprise in designing, developing, implementing, refining, operating, and documenting cyber forensic and intelligence capabilities within the National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force (NCIJTF). These capabilities shall be specifically designed to inform acquisition decisions, alert acquisition customers to emerging cyber threats, ensure cross-flow of threat information to other affected entities via serialized intelligence reporting and to support AFMC, other MAJCOM, Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), and FBI activities designed to counteract adversary cyber threats to the AFMC acquisition mission.

The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC)/HNJJ is requesting information on companies that can assist the AFMC Materiel Intelligence Enterprise in designing, developing, implementing, refining, operating, and documenting cyber forensic and intelligence capabilities within the National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force (NCIJTF). These capabilities shall be specifically designed to inform acquisition decisions, alert acquisition customers to emerging cyber threats, ensure cross-flow of threat information to other affected entities via serialized intelligence reporting and to support AFMC, other MAJCOM, Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), and FBI activities designed to counteract adversary cyber threats to the AFMC acquisition mission.

Work Details
1. Process Development & Documentation
This effort involves the development of new processes and workflows designed to leverage and access information holdings available within the NCIJTF and FBI Field Offices in order to support various acquisition-related activities. The Contractor shall support AFMC in the development of these processes, their socialization and coordination through the NCIJTF management structure as required, and their documentation and maintenance. Once approved by , the Contractor shall maintain the documented processes on a USG information system and shall update, and disseminate these processes and related documentation as directed by the Government customer.

2. Training
The Contractor shall be responsible for providing fully trained and qualified personnel to in support of this effort. Training shall include familiarization with the processes and workflows relevant to the contract and training specific to the cyber forensics or intelligence functions related to the labor category being staffed. If not otherwise accounted for in Contractor training all personnel shall be familiar with relevant United States Director of Intelligence (USDI) Intelligence Community Directives (ICD) to include: ICD 203, Analytic Standards; ICD 206, Sourcing Requirements for Dissemination of Analytical Products; ICD 208, Maximizing Utility of Analytic Products, and; ICD 209, Tearline Product Dissemination.

3. Product Development
As becomes more familiar with the capabilities of the NCIJTF, it may identify new product lines or formats for either informal (i.e. non-serialized, disseminated by e-mail) or formal (i.e. serialized, disseminated by Pulse or other IC reporting mechanism) products. The Contractor shall support in the development, refinement, coordination, approval and implementation of these products within the NCIJTF. The Contractor shall document each of the approved products by the use of standardized templates, product descriptions, intended effects, NCIJTF internal coordination and approval steps, etc.

4. Travel
Travel shall be required for this task. All travel shall be the requirements and guidelines set forth in the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR). Trips to Continental United States (CONUS) test and evaluation, training and other contractor facilities are anticipated and will be supported on an as needed.

5. Reporting & Reviews
The Contractor shall provide all reports, minutes, presentations, briefings, monthly status reports, ad hoc reports and briefings, and any other required reports, reviews or deliverables per the contract CDRLs.

6. Reports & Deliverables
All deliverables shall be prepared (IAW) the applicable Contract Data Requirement List (CDRL), DD Form 1423.

7. Information Assurance
All Contractor employees requiring access to DOD installations facilities and controlled access areas shall complete Antiterrorism (AT) training and other related protection training to include but not limited to AT Level 1 and Operations Security (OPSEC) Level 1 on an initial continual basis within thirty (30) calendar days after contract start date or effective date of incorporation of this requirement into the contract whichever is applicable. The Contractor shall submit certificates of completion for each affected contractor employee and Contractor employee to the US GOVERNMENT CUSTOMER Technical POC within three (3) calendar days after completion of training by all employees and Contractor personnel. AT level I awareness training is available at the following website: All contractor employees that are required to travel overseas must complete Survival Evasion Resistance Escape (SERE) Level I training. The SERE training can be accessed online at the Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) website.


Response Deadline
July 28, 2023, 5:00 p.m. EDT Past Due
July 6, 2023, 1:10 p.m. EDT (updated: July 7, 2023, 10:24 a.m. EDT)
Set Aside
Place of Performance
Not Provided

Current SBA Size Standard
$34 Million
Multiple Types Common
Est. Level of Competition
Odds of Award
On 7/6/23 AFLCMC Hanscom AFB issued Sources Sought RFI_NCIJTF for RFI - Next-Generation Security Solutions due 7/28/23. The opportunity was issued full & open with NAICS 541512 and PSC 5895.
Primary Contact
Theresa Ouellet   Profile
(781) 225-0515

Secondary Contact

Trevor Sullivan   Profile
(781) 225-4092


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Last Updated
Aug. 12, 2023
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Archive Date
Aug. 12, 2023