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Quino "Checkerspot" Butterfly Surveys Cleveland National Forest

ID: RFQ1680601 • Alt ID: 127EAT24Q0017 • Type: Solicitation


SCOPE OF WORK: The Contractor shall conduct Quino Checkerspot (Euphydryas editha quino) presence/absence surveys at certain sites within the Cleveland National Forest during the 2024 field season. The sites are described generally in the next section and are specifically depicted on the accompanying map. The surveys shall be conducted, and data collected and compiled as provided herein. SURVEY SITES: There are approximately 249 acres which must be surveyed to the protocol specified below, all within the Palomar Ranger District of the Cleveland National Forest. San Vincente Fuelbreak - Site Assessment - 249 Acres San Vincente Fuelbreak - Presence/Absence Surveys - 249 Acres GOVERNMENT FURNISHED EQUIPMENT: Government-furnished property shall consist only of the following: 1. Maps of project areas. 2. NRM Wildlife Electronic Data Form (excel spreadsheet). 3. A copy of the USFWS 2014 Quino Checkerspot Survey Protocol 4. Administrative passes for the purpose of entering and parking on National Forest lands while conducting surveys and related activities. PRE-WORK MEETING: Prior to commencement of work, a Pre-work Meeting will be held to discuss the Government's and Contractor's rights and obligations under the Contract. Those in attendance shall include the Contractor, Contracting Officer, Contracting Officer's Representatives (CORs), and other Forest Service personnel who may be involved in the administration of the Contract. Nothing said during the Meeting shall be construed to change the rights and/or obligations under the Contract. Rather, any such change shall require a written order from the Contracting Officer. Immediately following the Meeting (preferably on the same day) a Field Orientation will be conducted for the Contractor. It shall consist of site visits to each of the survey sites and is for the purpose of familiarizing the Contractor with these sites. The Contractor may include in the Field Orientation his/her support staff, if any (i.e., staff involved in the design and/or implementation of the survey). PAYMENTS: No payment will be made for work not deemed acceptable. Unacceptable work includes, but is not limited to: 1. Surveys not conducted in accordance with the terms of this contract. 2. Inaccuracies in identifying or mapping Quino Checkerspot or larval potential host and/or nectar plants and plant communities; and 3. Redundant writing in preparation of draft and final report
The USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region, Cleveland National Forest, is seeking a contractor to conduct Quino Checkerspot presence/absence surveys at specific sites within the Palomar Ranger District of the Cleveland National Forest during the 2024 field season. The contractor will be responsible for adhering to the USFWS 2014 Quino Checkerspot Survey Protocol and documenting all surveys in accordance with the protocol guidelines. The work will cover approximately 249 acres and the contractor must provide weekly coordination with the Contracting Officer's Representative (COR) or COR designee. Deliverables include a draft report by August 31, 2024, and a final report by September 30, 2024. The contract will be performed during the 2024 field season, with all deliverables submitted to Lee Hamm, Wildlife Biologist, Supervisor’s Office – Cleveland National Forest, San Diego, CA.


Response Deadline
March 3, 2024 (original: March 4, 2024) Past Due
Feb. 26, 2024
Set Aside
Place of Performance
Cleveland National Forest, CA USA

Current SBA Size Standard
$19 Million
Est. Level of Competition
Signs of Shaping
The solicitation is open for 7 days, below average for the Department of Agriculture.
On 2/25/24 Department of Agriculture issued Solicitation RFQ1680601 for Quino "Checkerspot" Butterfly Surveys Cleveland National Forest due 3/3/24. The opportunity was issued full & open with NAICS 541620 and PSC F999.
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