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OVW Peer Review Support

ID: RFQ1680537 • Type: Solicitation


Peer Reviewer Assignment. The Contractor(s) shall coordinate with the OVW Program Peer Review Point of Contact, designated in each PTF, to assist in identifying and confirming the participation of subject-matter experts for Peer Review panels for each grant program. Each application will be reviewed by three (3) Peer Reviewers. Depending on the grant program, panels may include: victim advocates, judges, prosecutors, representatives from community-based and faith-based organizations, police officers, legal professionals, and others with expertise on issues as they relate to violence against women concerning: tribal communities, the criminal and civil justice systems, college, and university communities, rural areas, urban areas, the disabled, the elderly, and services to victims, including those provided by the faith community. While some Peer Reviewers are expert consultants on violence against women issues, the vast majority are active practitioners or recent retirees from relevant professions. OVW does not use professional Peer Reviewers so as to maintain their objective to have applications reviewed by individuals with up-to-date, on-the-ground knowledge of both the challenges and best practices in addressing violence against women. Questions are due no later than 2/29/2024 at 12 pm.
The Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) are seeking vendors to support their Peer Review process. The peer review process involves reviewing applications for funding through various grant programs and providing an objective assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of each application. The contractors will work closely with the OVW Program Peer Review Point of Contact to identify and confirm the participation of subject-matter experts for each grant program. Each application will be reviewed by three peer reviewers, who may include victim advocates, judges, prosecutors, representatives from community-based and faith-based organizations, police officers, legal professionals, and others with expertise on issues related to violence against women. The panel meetings will be conducted through web sessions and in-person over a period of five to nineteen days. The contract will be performed in the Washington, DC metropolitan area, at the contractor's facility, or at OVW facilities.


Response Deadline
March 13, 2024 Past Due
Feb. 22, 2024
Set Aside
Small Business (SBA)
Place of Performance
Not Provided

Current SBA Size Standard
$24.5 Million
Est. Level of Competition
On 2/21/24 Department of Justice issued Solicitation RFQ1680537 for OVW Peer Review Support due 3/13/24. The opportunity was issued with a Small Business (SBA) set aside with NAICS 541611 (SBA Size Standard $24.5 Million) and PSC R408.
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