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NLM Office of Acquisitions Customized Change Management Program

ID: RFQ1674976 • Type: Solicitation


This program will be an instructor led virtual program with an option for in person sessions at the NIH main campus located at 8600 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland 20894. It will be a customized experiential education-based program whereas staff will be able to "learn by doing" which will allow for interactivity. An emphasis should be placed on the customized experiential learning process to give our staff tools that can be put to immediate use. This multi-part program should have a track for senior leaders, all managers as a group, and a separate track for the entire organization (inclusive of leaders, managers, and employees). There should be one session at the beginning of the program for the Director of Contracting and Deputy Director of Contracting only. Leaders and managers should then have their own track; the number of sessions will be determined as needed. This will allow leaders and managers to receive personalized instruction for managing change within the organization. The main track should include all staff. This program shall be a monthly series that starts with establishing the foundation of change in an organization and should build upon that foundation. This program should cover, but not be limited to, managing change, leading change, resistance to change, and resilience of change management. The program should engage in open, transparent, and communicative practices that support empowered collaboration in service to effectiveness for the office. The final session should include all staff with an option for it to be virtual or in person at our main campus. The contractor will provide a virtual training platform (i.e., Zoom, WebEx), monitor attendance, and will provide certificates of completion for each attendee with their name and the number of Continuous Learning Points/Hours for the program. PLEASE SEE THE ATTACHED RFQ DOCUMENT FOR QUOTER INSTRUCTIONS.
The National Library of Medicine Office of Acquisitions (NLM OA) is seeking support for a customized change management training program to assist with ongoing changes within the organization. The program will be an instructor-led virtual program with an option for in-person sessions at the NIH main campus in Bethesda, Maryland. It will consist of multiple sessions tailored for different groups, including senior leaders, managers, and all staff members. The program will cover topics such as managing change, leading change, resistance to change, and resilience of change management. The contractor will be responsible for providing a virtual training platform, monitoring attendance, and issuing certificates of completion. The contract is expected to have a 6-month base period with a 6-month option period of performance.


Response Deadline
Feb. 14, 2024 (original: Feb. 14, 2024) Past Due
Jan. 31, 2024
Set Aside
Place of Performance
Bethesda, MD 20894 USA

Current SBA Size Standard
$15 Million
Est. Level of Competition
On 1/30/24 Department of Health and Human Services issued Solicitation RFQ1674976 for NLM Office of Acquisitions Customized Change Management Program due 2/14/24. The opportunity was issued full & open with NAICS 611430 and PSC R704.
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