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NEPA Environmental Services

ID: RFQ1680522 • Alt ID: RFQ1680522 • Type: Solicitation


The National Park Services is interested in establishing a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) which will be used to support future pre-NEPA and NEPA procurements for the Environmental Planning and Compliance (EPC) Branch of the WASO Environmental Quality Division (EQD) and other NPS offices. The EPC program supports parks, regions, and WASO offices in the process of completing National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) planning documents (pre-NEPA planning, Environmental Impact Statements, and Environmental Assessments) with a priority emphasis on planning efforts that are court-ordered, likely to be litigated, precedent-setting, or of a complex or controversial nature. This Blanket Purchase Agreement will be used to contract for environmental services in three basic categories: the completion of pre-NEPA processes and documents, the completion of processes and documents associated with Environmental Assessments, and the completion of processes and documents associated with Environmental Impact Assessments. Please see attached Sources Sought Notice for complete details. Please direct all questions to and
The National Park Services is seeking to establish a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) to support future pre-NEPA and NEPA procurements for the Environmental Planning and Compliance (EPC) Branch of the WASO Environmental Quality Division (EQD) and other NPS offices. The EPC program aims to assist parks, regions, and WASO offices in completing National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) planning documents, with a focus on projects that are court-ordered, likely to be litigated, precedent-setting, or of a complex or controversial nature.

The BPA will be used to contract for environmental services in three main categories: pre-NEPA processes and documents, Environmental Assessments, and Environmental Impact Assessments. The tasks expected under this agreement include project management support, facilitation and documentation of workshops, development of communication plans, preparation of reports, civic engagement support, preparation of environmental assessments and impact statements, public scoping support, consultation with agencies and subject matter experts, as well as maintenance and delivery of decision files for the NEPA process.

This opportunity presents a chance for qualified contractors to provide comprehensive environmental planning and compliance services to the National Park Services. Contractors will have the opportunity to work on projects that have significant legal or environmental implications.


Response Deadline
March 7, 2024 Past Due
Feb. 22, 2024
Set Aside
Place of Performance
Not Provided

Current SBA Size Standard
$19 Million
Est. Level of Competition
Vehicle Type
Blanket Purchase Agreement
On 2/21/24 Department of the Interior issued Solicitation RFQ1680522 for NEPA Environmental Services due 3/7/24. The opportunity was issued full & open with NAICS 541620 and PSC F999.
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