Posted: Feb. 20, 2025, 4:43 p.m. EST
The purpose of this amendment is to update the RSVP email addresses to Cara Poole, and William Martin, The RSVP date is also extended from May 1, 2024 to no later than 12pm EST on May 10, 2024. This includes all responses related to attendance, Foreign Visitor Request (FVR), and security clearance validation requests. If a company has previously responded to this announcement but not received an email confirmation, re-send the RSVP, FVR, and/or security validation request directly to Cara Poole, and William Martin, no later than 12pm EST on May 10, 2024. This change is also annotated in all bold and underlined text in the narrative below.
The Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) Undersea Special Mission Systems Office (PMS390) is hosting an industry day to discuss operations, maintenance, and modernization of the US Navy's Submarine Rescue System (SRS) and maintenance of in-service Dry Deck Shelters (DDS). The intention of this event is to provide industry an overview of the anticipated operations, maintenance, modernization, and support requirements for these assets. The Navy is interested in understanding industry perspectives and innovative ideas in achieving the best balance of capabilities and cost for the requirements.
The Government intends to issue multiple solicitations for development, procurement, maintenance, and life-cycle support services in support of these programs and anticipates releasing formal Request for Proposals (RFP) in FY24/FY25. The formal RFPs are anticipated to be released on the Solicitation module in the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) at PIEE will interface with
Mission & Vision
PMS390 sustains our nation's elite underwater warriors. We deliver unmatched capability that enables mission accomplishment and survival in the most extreme conditions. PMS390 combined with our industry partners will create a specialized team of trusted professionals delivering relevant capability on-time and in-line with Fleet needs.
Requirement #1 - Submarine Rescue Operations and Maintenance Program, NAICS: 336611, PSC: J099
The U.S. Navy's SRS is located at the Undersea Rescue Command, Naval Base Coronado, San Diego, CA. The SRS is a highly portable and mobile submarine rescue and recompression system capable of transferring personnel from a Distressed Submarine (DISSUB) under pressure from depths up to 2,000 feet seawater. The SRS is composed of the Assessment/Underwater Work System (AUWS), the Submarine Decompression System (SDS) and the Pressurized Rescue Module System (PRMS).
The AUWS is composed of the Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), and Side Looking Sonar (SILOS). The AUWS also mobilizes with the Light Weight Mooring System (LWMS).
The SRS is able to be deployed with the SDS to provide the Transfer Under Pressure (TUP) capability. The SRS is further comprised of ancillary support and connectivity equipment in order to effect different phases of submarine rescue operations. The COMNAVSUBFOR OPORD 2137 provides a concept of operations representative of a submarine rescue scenario. The intent of the scenario is to establish a general understanding of the expected roles of submarine rescue equipment and personnel during operations for preparing a staffing plan, employee call-out list, transportation and Mother Ship (MOSHIP)/Vessel of Opportunity (VOOs) database, and standard operating procedures (SOPs) that meet the mission requirements of submarine rescue. PMS390 is also investing in submarine rescue system modernization technology areas to support the modernization of the Submarine Rescue System, for instance micro-electronics redesign, integrated cross deck communications, acoustic positioning systems, and launch and recovery systems.
The Submarine Rescue Operations Maintenance Contractor (SROMC) will perform operations, maintenance and repairs services primarily at the Undersea Rescue Command, San Diego CA; however, the SROMC shall also be capable of providing sufficient operational, technical, logistic and program coordination services necessary to support multi-day 24 hours cycle rapid worldwide deployment rescue/training events ensuring appropriate and sufficient material, qualified personnel, and support services are available, as required by the CO URC to support two stand-alone watch stations/shifts (13 hours each to allow for watch turn over) at all times. The SROMC is maintained in accordance with Deep Submergence System Scope of Certification Requirements and requires vendors be listed on NAVSEA Notice 5000.
Requirement #2 - Dry Deck Shelters (DDS), NAICS: 336611, PSC: J020
The DDS program consists of six DDSs that are operated by the US Navy. A DDS is a portable module that mates with specially modified host submarines in order to allow divers and other personnel to enter and exit the DDS while the host submarine is submerged. The DDS is made up of a spherical hyperbaric chamber, a spherical transfer trunk, and a cylindrical hangar with an ellipsoidal door at the aft end to allow entry and exit to the ocean. Offerors will conduct periodic maintenance and overhauls, emergent repairs, and design, kit, and install configuration changes. Additionally, Offerors will fit-up DDSs to host submarines, maintain a DDS rotatable pool spare parts program; and maintain training closure and hatch assemblies, transporters, and host submarine interface systems. Dry Deck Shelters are maintained in accordance with Deep Submergence System Scope of Certification Requirements and require vendors be listed on NAVSEA Notice 5000.
The contractor will perform maintenance services and repairs primarily at the contractor's facility; however, the contractor may also perform maintenance at one of two shore-based maintenance facilities in Pearl City, HI or Virginia Beach, VA. There is a potential for maintenance and repair activities to be conducted at the submarine homeport locations in Pearl Harbor, HI; Groton, CT; Kings Bay, GA; and Bremerton, WA, as well as at specific OCONUS designated maintenance locations.
The Navy intends to conduct an industry day on May 16th, 2024, beginning at 0830. The event will be hosted by NAVSEA and KMS Solutions/Serco, the Team Submarine support contractors. The industry day will be held at KMS Solutions/Serco's office, located at 1100 New Jersey Ave., SE, No. 200, Washington, DC 20003. Each company and/or business unit will be limited to a maximum of three (3) representatives. A business unit is defined as having its own unique Commercial and Government Entity Code (CAGE Code). RSVP by email to Cara Poole, and William Martin, no later than 12pm EST on May 10, 2024. RSVPs shall include the name, email address, phone number, company, and position for each attendee. Each representative attending must bring a photo ID for check in. No audio/visual recording devices of any kind will be permitted. If you have previously RSVP'd to this posting but did not received a confirmation of email receipt, send a second request to Cara Poole, and William Martin,
One-on-one meetings with the government will be available upon request. The purpose of an individual meeting is to discuss contractor capabilities and ideas to achieve the Navy's maintenance and modernization goals. To request a one-on-one meeting time with PMS390 in advance, please include a request with the RSVP.
The government will provide an opportunity for industry comments, concerns, and questions. Instructions will be given at industry day regarding the submission of any questions.
Industry Day Agenda:
0830 0900 Registration
0900 0920 Welcome and Opening Remarks
0920 1015 DDS Maintenance Program
1015 1030 Break
1030 1130 Submarine Rescue Operations and Maintenance
1130 1230 Break
1230 1530 Industry and Government Meetings (15 min sessions)
Note: Times listed above are EDT and may be changed if necessary. Discussions and questions may be recorded by the Government. The Government may post a sanitized version of all questions and answers resulting from the industry day.
Event Security Requirements:
The event will be unclassified. Foreign nationals who work under US companies are allowed. For foreign nationals planning to attend, a Foreign Visitor Request (FVR) Form must be submitted by email to Cara Poole, and William Martin, no later than 12pm EST on May 10, 2024. The FVR form is attached to this notice.
Requirements Documents available upon request. Files will be shared via the Solicitation module in the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) at
Dry Deck Shelter Program Requirements Documents:
General DDS system requirements will be available only to those companies with a validated security clearance at a minimum SECRET clearance level.
To attain validation of security clearance, prospective respondents must submit a written request to Cara Poole, and William Martin, no later than 12pm EST on May 10, 2024, with Industry Day - DDS Program Document Request in the email subject. The written request must include the company name, cage code, Security Management Office (SMO) Code, complete destination address, and security point of contact. Note, Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and citizenship may be requested by NAVSEA security personnel during the clearance validation process. The controlled documents may only be provided to prospective respondents following approval by the NAVSEA Office of Security Programs and the Contracting Officer.
All interested sources (prime and subcontractor) must submit separate security clearance validation requests. Prime contractors are not allowed to separately forward or share documentation provided them upon the basis of their security validation.
Submarine Rescue Operations and Maintenance Program:
General Submarine Rescue Operations system requirements will be available only to those companies with a validated security clearance at a minimum SECRET clearance level.
To attain validation of security clearance, prospective respondents must submit a written request to Cara Poole, and William Martin, no later than 12pm EST on May 10, 2024 with Industry Day - SRS Program Document Request in the email subject. The written request must include the company name, cage code, SMO Code, complete destination address, and security point of contact. Note, PII and citizenship may be requested by NAVSEA security personnel during the clearance validation process. The controlled documents may only be provided to prospective respondents following approval by the NAVSEA Office of Security Programs and the Contracting Officer.
All interested sources (prime and subcontractor) must submit separate security clearance validation requests. Prime contractors are not allowed to separately forward or share documentation provided them upon the basis of their security validation.
This announcement is not a contract, request for proposal, a promise to contract, or a commitment of any kind on the part of the government. The government will not accept proposals as a result of this announcement. NAVSEA does not assume liability for costs incurred by an attendee or for travel expenses or marketing efforts; therefore, attendee costs in response to this notice are not considered an allowable direct charge to the Government.