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National Cyber Range Complex Event Planning, Operations and Support   5

ID: W900KK-20-R-0011 • Type: Solicitation


Posted: Feb. 5, 2021, 8:54 p.m. EST

The intent of this announcement is to provide the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the National Cyber Range Complex (NCRC) Event Planning Operations Support (EPOS) requirement, Solicitation Number W900KK-20-R-0020. All solicitation documents associated with this procurement have been posted to this announcement except those considered Export Controlled / Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI).

To obtain the additional documents, as well as the documents listed in the Government Furnished Information (GFI) List, all Offerors shall complete a NCRC EPOS Distribution Agreement posted to this announcement. All initials and signatures on the NCRC EPOS Distribution Agreement must be hand-written: typed entries will be considered non-compliant and the document will not be processed.

Offerors shall submit the completed NCRC EPOS Distribution Agreement to the Points of Contract identified in this announcement with the solicitation number in the subject line. The email shall also include a copy of the Offeror's current DD Form 2345 that has been approved by the Defense Logistics Agency Joint Certification Program (DLA JCP).

The Government intends to distribute GFI electronically via DoD SAFE to the Data Custodian named in Block 3a on the Offeror's current DD Form 2345 that has been approved by (DLA JCP). The GFI will be delivered to the e-mail address listed in Block 3d on the DD Form 2345.

The Offeror's Data Custodian may appoint one person as an Alternate Data Custodian. Only the Requesting U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Contractor Authorized Technical Point of Contact (POC), or Alternate Requesting U.S. DoD Contractor Authorized POC named on the NCRC EPOS Distribution Agreement may be appointed as an Alternate Data Custodian.

A written notice of the appointment shall be provided by the Data Custodian via e-mail when the request for GFI is submitted with the NCRC EPOS Distribution Agreement and DD Form 2345 attached. When an Alternate Data Custodian is identified by name an e-mail address and telephone number must be provided. The GFI will only be distributed to the designated alternate.

The Government will only disseminate GFI to the Offeror. The Offeror is the prime contractor that intends to sign the Standard Form 33 in Block 17 and submit its proposal to the Government. The Offeror shall be responsible for managing the GFI in accordance with the NCRC EPOS Distribution Agreement.

The Offeror may obtain Government approval to release the GFI to subcontractors. To obtain approval, the Offeror must submit a copy of the subcontractors current DD Form 2345 that has been approved by DLA JCP. A request for approval to release GFI to subcontractors shall be submitted at the same time the Offeror submits their own NCRC EPOS Distribution Agreement and DD Form 2345. The e-mail request to release GFI must include a complete list of subcontractors at all levels/tiers.

The Offeror must flow down a copy of their approved NCRC EPOS Distribution Agreement to each subcontractor that will receive GFI when distributing documents referenced in the agreement. Subcontractors at all levels shall comply with the terms and conditions in the NCRC EPOS Distribution Agreement. The Offeror's Data

Custodian/Alternate Data Custodian shall be responsible for distributing GFI and a copy of the approved NCRC EPOS Distribution Agreement to subcontractors.

This solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011 describes several Key Dates as follows:

Solicitation Release Date: 21 February 2020

Requests for Technical Data Deadline: 25 February 2020

Solicitation Questions Submission Date: 2 March 2020, no later than 1:00 p.m. Eastern

Pre-Proposal Conference Date: 6 March 2020

Proposal Amendment 13 March 2020

Proposal Submittal Date: 6 April 2020, no later than 1:00 p.m. Eastern

Contract Award Date: 17 December 2020

Post Award Conference: 19 January 2021

Please take note the planned Pre-Proposal Conference schedule documented in the attached solicitation as noted above is hereby revised and will be incorporated into Solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011 as an amendment. The Pre-Proposal Conference is now tentatively scheduled for 16 March 17 March: information concerning the conference will be provided in an update to this announcement.

Amendment 0001 dated 25 February 2020

The purpose of this Amendment 0001 is to: incorporate minor clerical/administrative corrections; revise Section F at F.3 Technical Data and Information; revise Section J and incorporate revised Attachment 25 NCRC EPOS Distribution Agreement and Attachment 31 NCRC EPOS Compliance Matrix; revise Key Dates at L.1.4 in Section L; and, revise Critical Task 2: Enterprise Security at L. in Section L and M. in Section M.

The Government will continue to accept NCRC EPOS Distribution Agreements from Offerors/Prime Contractors beyond the 25 February 2020 date stated at L.1.4.

Amendment 0002 dated 27 February 2020

The purpose of this Amendment 0002 to solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011 is to revise B.4 to describe the inclusion of CLINs 0008, 1007 and 2007 as representing requirements for data deliverables under Contract Data Requirements Lists. As a result, B.4 through B.6 are renumbered B.5 through B.7 respectively. At CLIN 0008, 1007 and 2007 the descriptions/expanded descriptions are revised to describe their representation as requirements for data deliverables. At CLINs 0009, 0010, 1008, 1009, 2008 and 2009 the expanded descriptions are revised to include ordering period. At L.1.4, L., L. and L. the date for submission of questions and comments is changed to 17 March 2020. At L.1.10 the description for requesting Performance Work Statements and Government Furnished Information is expanded for clarity to promote understanding: requests will be accepted after 25 February 2020.

A copy of Amendment 0002 is attached to this announcement. In addition, a copy of solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011 conformed at Amendment 0002 is attached as a courtesy. Prospective Offerors are reminded signed SF 33s must be submitted with proposals.

All NCRC EPOS Distribution Agreements approved prior to 21 February 2020 are hereby revoked. Data Custodians must ensure ALL draft documents to include briefing slides and Comment Review Matrixes are not used for proposal preparation: please notify the Points of Contact listed for this announcement by e-mail when in accordance with the terms in the NCRC EPOD DA those documents are destroyed.

Interested parties are reminded a NEW NCRC EPOS Distribution Agreement must be approved for the Offeror (Prime Contractors) intending to submit a proposal in response to solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011. The Government will not approve NCRC EPOS Distribution Agreements for any subcontractor. Subcontractors at all Tiers should seek copies of the Performance Work Statements, Government Furnished Information and any other restricted document associated with this solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011 through their Prime Contractor by providing a current copy of a DD Form 2345 that has been approved by Defense Logistics Agency Joint Certification Program (DLA JCP). Where the Government grants approval for a Prime Contractor to distribute restricted documents to a subcontractor, the Prime Contractor shall flow down a copy of the approved NCRC EPOS Distribution Agreement. Through their acceptance of the data, subcontractors agree to comply with all terms and conditions within the NCRC EPOS Distribution Agreement.

Amendment 0003 dated 12 March 2020

The purpose of Amendment 0003 to Solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011 is to update the Procuring Contracting Officer's phone number and numerous dates associated with bidder's questions, upcoming solicitation amendments, the pre-proposal conference, and proposal delivery. These changes impact paragraphs L.1.4, L.1.6, L.1.9.1, L., L., L., L.1.17.1, L.1.17.3, L.1.17.4, L., L.5.15.3, L., and L.9.15.3. For convenience, the specific updates have been highlighted in yellow.

A copy of Amendment 0003 is attached to this announcement. In addition, a copy of solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011 conformed through Amendment 0003 is attached as a courtesy. Prospective Offerors are reminded signed SF 33s must be submitted with proposals.

Amendment 0004 dated 20 March 2020

The purpose of Amendment 0004 to Solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011 is to: 1) Update the Army Contracting Command - Orlando Points of Contact in various locations throughout the solicitaiton; 2) Provide additional clarification and instruction regarding the Solicitation Question Windows; 3) Correct an administrative error within Paragraph L. whereby L.1.16 was referenced vice the correct Paragraph, L.1.17; and, 4) Update the proposal due date in Section A to reflect the 13 April 2020 due date that was updated via Amendment 0003.

A copy of Amendment 0004 and the updated conformed solicitaiton is attached to this announcement. In addition, the Government has also attached a "compare doc" that shows items changed in Amendment 0004 in "tracked changes" to help offerors quickly identify all changes implemented by Amendment 0004. Prospective Offerors are reminded signed SF 33s must be submitted with proposals.

Amendment 0005 dated 24 March 2020

The purpose of Amendment 0005 to Solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011 is to extend the proposal submission due date and other dates contained in Paragraph L.1.4 and other various locations throughout the solicitation.

A copy of Amendment 0005 and the updated conformed solicitaiton is attached to this announcement. In addition, the Government has also attached a "compare doc" that shows items changed in Amendment 0005 in "tracked changes" to help offerors quickly identify all changes implemented by Amendment 0005. Prospective Offerors are reminded signed SF 30s must be submitted with proposals.

Amendment 0006 dated 27 March 2020

The purpose of Amendment 0006 to Solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011 is to provide responses to the Solicitation Question Window 1 questions, which are provided in a Comment Response Matrix (CRM) attached to this posting. The amendment contains numerous changes throughout the solicitation, and attachments. Please refer to Amendment 0006 and the updated attachments for more information. As there are updates to the access restricted Performance Work Statements (PWSs), the updated documents will be sent via DoD SAFE to all recipients that have already been approved to receive the original PWSs. If you believe you should have received these updated documents and have not received them by 28 Mar 2020, please send an email to both and

A copy of Amendment 0006 and the updated conformed solicitaiton is attached to this announcement. In addition, for the convenience of the offerors, the Government has also attached a "compare doc" that shows items changed in Amendment 0006 in "tracked changes" to help offerors quickly identify all changes implemented by Amendment 0006. The the extent practicable, the Government is also providing a "compare doc" for each updated attachment. Prospective Offerors are reminded signed SF 30s must be submitted with proposals.

*** 30 March 2020 Update ***

Solicitation Attachment 16 has been removed from this posting. The document will be updated and the Government will update this posting accordingly in the near future.

Amendment 0007 dated 30 March 2020

The purpose of Amendment 0007 to Solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011 is to provide an updated version of Attachment 16 - NCRC Sample Range Event Schedule. This updated version removes the improper export controlled markings that were on previous versions of this document.

A copy of Amendment 0007 and the updated conformed solicitaiton is attached to this announcement. In addition, for the convenience of the offerors, the Government has also attached a "compare doc" that shows items changed in Amendment 0007 in "tracked changes" to help offerors quickly identify all changes implemented by Amendment 0007. Prospective Offerors are reminded signed SF 30s for all amendments must be submitted with proposals.

Amendment 0008 dated 31 March 2020

The purpose of Amendment 0008 to Solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011 is to provide

A copy of Amendment 0008 and the updated conformed solicitaiton is attached to this announcement. In addition, for the convenience of the offerors, the Government has also attached a "compare doc" that shows items changed in Amendment 0008 in "tracked changes" to help offerors quickly identify all changes implemented by Amendment 0008. Prospective Offerors are reminded signed SF 30s for all amendments must be submitted with proposals.

Amendment 0009 dated 10 April 2020

The purpose of Amendment 0009 to Solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011 is to provide responses to the Solicitation Question Window 2 questions, which are provided in a Comment Response Matrix (CRM) attached to this posting. The amendment contains numerous changes throughout the solicitation, and attachments. Please refer to Amendment 0009 and the updated attachments for more information. As there are updates to the access restricted Performance Work Statements (PWSs); the updated documents will be sent via DoD SAFE to all recipients that have already been approved to receive prior versions of these PWSs (since RFP release). If you believe you should have received these updated documents and have not received them by 13 Apr 2020, please send an email to both and

A copy of Amendment 0009 and the updated conformed solicitation is attached to this announcement. In addition, for the convenience of the offerors, the Government has also attached a "compare doc" that shows items changed in Amendment 0009 in "tracked changes" to help offerors quickly identify all changes implemented by Amendment 0009. The the extent practicable, the Government is also providing a "compare doc" for each updated attachment. Prospective Offerors are reminded signed SF 30s must be submitted with proposals.

As a final note, Offerors are reminded that examples of past performance and the corresponding past performance questionnaires must cite the specific Delivery/Task Order, if applicable.

Amendment 0010 dated 16 April 2020

The purpose of Amendment 0010 to Solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011 is to provide a change and several clarifications within the Cost/Price Volumes within Section L. Please note that the content updated with this amendment supersedes any contradictory responses provided in the two published Comment Response Matrices as well as the content from any previous amendment to this solicitation.

A copy of Amendment 0010, updated Attachments 37 and 41, and the updated conformed solicitation is attached to this announcement. In addition, for the convenience of the offerors, the Government has also attached a "compare doc" that shows items changed in Amendment 0010 in "tracked changes" to help offerors quickly identify all changes implemented by Amendment 0010. Prospective Offerors are reminded signed SF 30s must be submitted with proposals.

Amendment 0011 dated 17 April 2020

The purpose of Amendment 0011 to Solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011 is to provide a change and several clarifications within Section B, the Cost/Price Volumes within Section L, and Attachments 37 and 41. Please note that the content updated with this amendment supersedes any contradictory responses provided in the two published Comment Response Matrices as well as the content from any previous amendment to this solicitation.

A copy of Amendment 0011, updated Attachments 37 and 41, and the updated conformed solicitation is attached to this announcement. In addition, for the convenience of the offerors, the Government has also attached a "compare doc" that shows items changed in Amendment 0011 in "tracked changes" to help offerors quickly identify all changes implemented by Amendment 0011. Prospective Offerors are reminded signed SF 30s must be submitted with proposals.

Amendment 0012 dated 22 April 2020

The purpose of Amendment 0012 to Solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011 is to extend the proposal submission date from 27 April 2020 to 4 May 2020.

A copy of Amendment 0012, and the updated conformed solicitation is attached to this announcement. In addition, for the convenience of the offerors, the Government has also attached a "compare doc" that shows items changed in Amendment 0012 in "tracked changes" to help offerors quickly identify all changes implemented by Amendment 0012. Prospective Offerors are reminded signed SF 30s must be submitted with proposals.

Amendment 0013 dated 28 May 2020

The purpose of Amendment 0013 to Solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011 is to update language in paragraphs M.2.1, M.2.2, M.8.1, and M.8.2.

A copy of Amendment 0013, and the updated conformed solicitation is attached to this announcement. In addition, for the convenience of the offerors, the Government has also attached a "compare doc" that shows items changed in Amendment 0013 in "tracked changes" to help offerors quickly identify all changes implemented by Amendment 0013. Prospective Offerors are NOT required to return the signed SF 30 for this amendment as the proposal submission due date has passed.

Amendment 0014 dated 5 Feb 2021

The purpose of Amendment 0014 to Solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011 is to update language in paragraphs M.2.3 and M.8.3. Due to technical issues witin Beta.Sam, this amendment was executed on 4 Jan 2021 and was emailed directly to the offerors who had submitted proposals in response to this solicitation. The Government has been troubleshooting the issue and this posting is reflective of the same update that was sent directly via email on 4 Jan 2021.

A copy of Amendment 0014, and the updated conformed solicitation is attached to this announcement. In addition, for the convenience of the offerors, the Government has also attached a "compare doc" that shows items changed in Amendment 0014 in "tracked changes" to help offerors quickly identify all changes implemented by Amendment 0014. Prospective Offerors are NOT required to return the signed SF 30 for this amendment as the proposal submission due date has passed.

Additional 5 Feb 2021 Update to Beta.Sam Posting

When updating this solicitation to include Amendment 0014 on 5 Feb 2021, the PSC code and proposal due date were inadvertently changed. The purpose of this update to this Beta.Sam solicitation page is to change the PSC code back to D302, and change the proposal due date back to 4 May 2020. The Government has not changed the PSC code for this effort, nor are proposals still being accepted.

Posted: Feb. 5, 2021, 12:02 p.m. EST
Posted: May 28, 2020, 12:14 p.m. EDT
Posted: April 22, 2020, 1:46 p.m. EDT
Posted: April 17, 2020, 5:00 p.m. EDT
Posted: April 16, 2020, 1:25 p.m. EDT
Posted: April 10, 2020, 4:33 p.m. EDT
Posted: March 31, 2020, 4:13 p.m. EDT
Posted: March 30, 2020, 4:48 p.m. EDT
Posted: March 30, 2020, 1:40 p.m. EDT
Posted: March 30, 2020, 1:23 p.m. EDT
Posted: March 27, 2020, 3:38 p.m. EDT
Posted: March 24, 2020, 2:28 p.m. EDT
Posted: March 20, 2020, 11:50 a.m. EDT
Posted: March 12, 2020, 2:13 p.m. EDT
Posted: Feb. 27, 2020, 3:27 p.m. EST
Posted: Feb. 25, 2020, 5:34 p.m. EST
Posted: Feb. 25, 2020, 4:30 p.m. EST
Posted: Feb. 21, 2020, 12:43 p.m. EST
The solicitation is for the National Cyber Range Complex (NCRC) Event Planning Operations Support (EPOS) requirement, Solicitation Number W900KK-20-R-0020. The intent of this announcement is to provide the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the NCRC EPOS requirement. The solicitation documents associated with this procurement have been posted to this announcement except those considered Export Controlled / Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI).

Work Details
The contract includes the completion of NCRC Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) requirements, submission of Contract Data Requirements Lists (CDRLs), and performance of System Engineering tasks. The specific products and services to be delivered are detailed in Attachment 18, including quantities, units, unit prices, and amounts for each item.

Period of Performance
The contract award date is 17 December 2020.


Response Deadline
May 4, 2020, 1:00 p.m. EDT (original: April 6, 2020, 1:00 p.m. EDT) Past Due
Feb. 21, 2020, 12:43 p.m. EST (updated: Feb. 5, 2021, 8:54 p.m. EST)
Set Aside
Partial Small Business (SBP)
Place of Performance
Not Provided

Current SBA Size Standard
$34 Million
Multiple Types Common
Est. Level of Competition
Signs of Shaping
62% of obligations for similar contracts within the Department of the Army were awarded full & open.
On 2/21/20 ACC Orlando issued Solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011 for National Cyber Range Complex Event Planning, Operations and Support due 5/4/20. The opportunity was issued with a Partial Small Business (SBP) set aside with NAICS 541519 (SBA Size Standard $34 Million) and PSC 1675.
Primary Contact
Contract Specialist
David B. Hector   Profile
(407) 384-3721

Secondary Contact

Branch Chief/Contracting Officer
Duane St. Peter   Profile
(407) 380-8444


Posted documents for Solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011

Question & Answer

Opportunity Lifecycle

Procurement notices related to Solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011

Award Notifications

Agency published notification of awards for Solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011

IDV Awards

Indefinite delivery vehicles awarded through Solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011

Contract Awards

Prime contracts awarded through Solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011


GAO protests filed for Solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011

Incumbent or Similar Awards

Potential Bidders and Partners

Awardees that have won contracts similar to Solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011

Similar Active Opportunities

Open contract opportunities similar to Solicitation W900KK-20-R-0011

Additional Details

Source Agency Hierarchy
FPDS Organization Code
Source Organization Code
Last Updated
Feb. 5, 2021
Last Updated By
Archive Date
Dec. 31, 2021