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Infrastructure Research and Technology Deployment Program (HIF)

ID: RFQ1679255 • Alt ID: 693JJ324Q000005 • Type: Solicitation


This RFQ is for development and deployment of asset management, pavements, construction, transportation performance management, and bridge programs for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Office of Infrastructure. See attachments for details.
This contract opportunity is for the development and deployment of asset management, pavements, construction, transportation performance management, and bridge programs for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Office of Infrastructure. The FHWA's Office of Infrastructure is responsible for providing leadership, technical expertise, and program assistance in various engineering activities related to highways, pavements, bridges, tunnels, and transportation performance management. The scope of the Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) includes providing technical, engineering, publications, marketing, and professional support services in transportation topics to support the HIF program. This includes policy/regulatory support and analysis, program evaluations, feasibility studies, development of technical manuals and reports, guidance, standards, analytical tools, capacity building, training support, research and development support, specialized construction support for equipment demonstrations and loans, as well as specialized support for design, construction, and operation of bridges, tunnels, and other structures. The period of performance for this BPA is 60 months from the date of award. The specific geographic locations where the contract will be performed are not explicitly provided in the solicitation.


Response Deadline
March 14, 2024 (original: March 15, 2024) Past Due
Feb. 14, 2024
Set Aside
Small Business (SBA)
Place of Performance
-, - -

Current SBA Size Standard
$25.5 Million
Est. Level of Competition
On 2/13/24 Department of Transportation issued Solicitation RFQ1679255 for Infrastructure Research and Technology Deployment Program (HIF) due 3/14/24. The opportunity was issued with a Small Business (SBA) set aside with NAICS 541330 (SBA Size Standard $25.5 Million) and PSC R425.
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