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IBM MQ Products

ID: RFQ1677550 • Alt ID: RFQ1677550 • Type: Solicitation


INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERORS: Your offer should be a completed quote including all items shown herein. Please refer to the below Item listings for complete description. Please note: Offerors may either submit a completed version of the line-item description, or their own quotation document including all applicable items in the same order as shown herein. A completed, Signed QUOTE with summarized pricing must be included. Offers not including these may be determined non-responsive. The following conditions apply: 1.) A fixed price delivery order is intended, to be issued against your cognizant GSA MAS contract. Your most favorable pricing should be included. 2.) Export-Import Bank reserves the right to make award on initial offers. 3.) Open market quotes may NOT be received in response to this RFQ. If GSA-FSS pricing (see item#1 above) is not available, please indicate as such on a response. 4.) Your firm must be an authorized re-seller of the subject product(s). The Export Import Bank requires IBM MQ Products in accordance with below Line Items. EVALUATION/AWARD CRITERIA/BASIS OF AWARD This acquisition will utilize the Lowest Price Technically (LPTA) procedure to make a best value award. A decision on the technical acceptability of each offeror's quotations will be made. For those offerors which are which are determined to be technically acceptable, award will be made to that vendor with the lowest overall price. While Government will strive for maximum objectivity, the technical process, by its nature, is subjective; therefore, professional judgement is implicit throughout the evaluation process. The Government intends to make an award based on initial quotations.


Response Deadline
Feb. 7, 2024 Past Due
Feb. 6, 2024
Set Aside
Place of Performance
Not Provided

Current SBA Size Standard
$41.5 Million
Fixed Price
Evaluation Criteria
Lowest Price Technically Acceptable (LPTA)
Est. Level of Competition
Signs of Shaping
The solicitation is open for 2 days, below average for the Export Import Bank of the US.
On 2/5/24 Export Import Bank of the US issued Solicitation RFQ1677550 for IBM MQ Products due 2/7/24. The opportunity was issued full & open with NAICS 511210 and PSC 7A21.


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